banking macros?

Probably a stupid question, but can you maybe bank protein or fat from one day to the next, considering how long it takes for digestion to take place? I know you can bank calories for an entire week, and I know you couldn't do it with the macros for that long, but was wondering if maybe they could be considered day to day?

I ask because I see that today, I'm actually going to be taking in more protein than my goal, but my food plan for tomorrow is coming up a little short, so I was wondering if I could just consider today's excess to make up part of tomorrow's deficit.


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,045 Member
    I do that all the time.

    I don't call it banking. I call it life. However, too much protein causes digestion issues for me, so I do try to keep it below a certain amount.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    When I see something like that coming I remind myself that I am not an athlete. While my protein goals are important to hit most days I do not tend to worry about a low day here and there. I avoid it as much as I can but I do not have a pressing need for perfect adherence.

    My other answer is that I do not know if today's protein is of benefit tomorrow for any other purpose than energy management. Someone smarter than me probably knows.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,777 Member
    Are you at between 0.6g to 0.8g of protein per lb of weight in the normal weight range that you're either at today or plan to be at goal in the future?

    Yes? Golden.

    No? Are you at least half of that?

    Yes... OK. You're at least at RDI... you can probably do better on another day.

    No? Eat a bit more protein even if you miss your caloric goal

    Of course if you're eating at 23:59:00 I don't know that you're going to have digested it by 23:59:59 😹
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    At 5'8", I think the max of normal for me is 165 lbs, which puts the protein range for me between 99 and 132g - correct? I'm shooting for a little over 0.7g a day - at my current deficit of 1600 and setting my macro mix to be 40% carbs 30% fat and 30% protein, that makes my starting protein to be 120g a day. Of course, activity drives that up, and that's usually where I start to struggle; I hit 120g but then activity can as much as another 30-40g on me - THAT extra is difficult some days to get in.

    That does help answer the question, though - since I'm shooting for the middle of the range, I'll be all right!

    Thank you!
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    honestly when it comes to calorie adjustments - i don't do the increase in protein/fat - i typically use carbs (how my body feels) - my protein is fixed at 135g a day
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,777 Member
    The 0.6 to 0.8 of body weight stands in for 0.8 to 1g of lean mass.

    It's ok to be over. It is not a requirement. **absent health issues or crowding out other nutrients** going over will probably more help than hurt if protein is satiating for you

    It's not optimal to be much under much of the time especially if you're stressing your body. So with your goals/stats I might be tempted to set a 125g goal for protein. Optional and based on preference to go a bit over or under.

    I would certainly not make an**effort** to go over 150.

    Being currently above 165lbs I would probably try to get to 120 every day except for an occasional dip below
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,558 Member
    At 5'8", I think the max of normal for me is 165 lbs, which puts the protein range for me between 99 and 132g - correct? I'm shooting for a little over 0.7g a day - at my current deficit of 1600 and setting my macro mix to be 40% carbs 30% fat and 30% protein, that makes my starting protein to be 120g a day. Of course, activity drives that up, and that's usually where I start to struggle; I hit 120g but then activity can as much as another 30-40g on me - THAT extra is difficult some days to get in.

    That does help answer the question, though - since I'm shooting for the middle of the range, I'll be all right!

    Thank you!

    Once I know my gram goal for protein/fat, and hit it, IMO it's completely optional how I spend any extra calories left after that. I'm pretty religious about hitting my 100g protein minimum, but once that's hit, if there are calories left in my goal (pre- or post-exercise, doesn't matter), and my fat and veggie/fruits are also where I want them, I just spend the rest of the calories on anything I feel like eating, and ignore the percents. If my totals turn a mix of red and green, I just pretend it's Christmas. ;) 🤷‍♀️