Water Intake

I was just wondering how much water you drink per day? I only drink about 64 oz but think I need to up my h2o!!

With increased water do you seem to lose more weight?


  • JodieTriana
    JodieTriana Posts: 3 Member
    I drink half of my weight in oz. It does seem to help.

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  • Egger29
    Egger29 Posts: 14,741 Member
    I posted a similar topic earlier about how drinking water can help with weight loss:


    In regards to your post, the necessesity of additional water intake is a debateable subject, but I personally am of the stance that it's good for you in terms of hydration, circulation, nutrient exchange and general bodily function. Some studies have shown that most people get enough from the foods they eat, so it's a personal choice.

    From my post earlier, drinking 8, 8-oz glasses of Ice Water a day will burn about 70 calories (just in the heating it up to body temperature as it passes through your system, so added up over time this can be a significant factor in your body changes when incorporated into your diet
  • frenchee40
    frenchee40 Posts: 26 Member
    I heard that you have to drink 8 oz. for every 10 lbs you weigh so if you weigh 140 then that would be 14 cups. Check it out online because I am not sure it that info is right or not.

    http://nutrition.about.com/library/blwatercalculator.htm (I found this online this might help)
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    I read somewhere to drink 64 oz. + another 8oz. for every 25lbs. you are overweight + one 8oz. glass for every caffeinated or alcohoic beverage you consume.

    I try to follow this and it keeps me pretty well hydrated. Not sure if it's aiding in my weight loss directly, but it does allow me to work out harder than if I'm dehydrated, which should be indirectly helping.