Getting Competition Lean

Hi i am a 30yr old mother of 3. Fitness has always been a priority to me but here lately i find myself craving a challenge. Getting old and out of shape just doesnt appeal to me so ive decided to aim for a bikini fitness competition 2 yrs out. Still yet to pick one. My goal for this year is to get down to weight. Then once ive achieved that, hire a trainer and start the real hard work. Im currently about 21% body fat now and improving daily. Im looking to find other first time competitors who would like to go along for the journey together. If your interested let me know.


  • victorialeigh629
    victorialeigh629 Posts: 36 Member
    Curious how your prep is going
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    Good luck! I'm friendly with a former competitor. She got down to 4% body weight for competition.