Starting over again

Trying once more to get myself healthy. My weight is at a record high. Everything hurts. I posted on my page about being frustrated and crickets. If there are any other people like me that like old school support send me a friend request. Let’s be there for each other 🤗


  • Grace4Peace
    Grace4Peace Posts: 5 Member
    I'm with you! This has to me my thousandth time trying to get healthy. It's a constant struggle, and I'm giving it one last go. Like you, I'm at my heaviest weight and miserable. I'll send you a friend request. We can help each other through this.
  • WSOX37
    WSOX37 Posts: 1,611 Member
    You got this
  • SteppenFetchit
    SteppenFetchit Posts: 39 Member
    Trying once more to get myself healthy. My weight is at a record high. Everything hurts. I posted on my page about being frustrated and crickets. If there are any other people like me that like old school support send me a friend request. Let’s be there for each other 🤗

    Such a familiar tune... I'm singing it now myself! I just started again... again, after regaining the 30+ I had lost.

    Good luck and keep on truckin'
  • startingoveragain2020
    startingoveragain2020 Posts: 42 Member
    Same story here as well 😓
    Add me if you want and we can try try try 💪🏻
  • CoffeenSquats
    CoffeenSquats Posts: 982 Member
    Hugs and best of luck to you! 🍀🤞♥️