Do you own 10-minute Trainer!?!?

Please tell me what you think of it!
ALSO - If you ARE NOT using it and it is just collecting dust on your entertainment center, sell it to me! I can't see spending $80 on it, but I'd sure buy it if someone had a better offer! :)
HOLLA!!! :)


  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    If you are serious about working out 10 minute trainer will only help so much. I brought it and now is collect dust. Doing P90x instead.

  • johncowart
    johncowart Posts: 40 Member
    If you are serious about working out 10 minute trainer will only help so much. I brought it and now is collect dust. Doing P90x instead.


    If you only have that kind of time then it would be worth it if you don't have options. You can also stack the 10 minute workouts for longer workouts.
    I also use Turbo Fire for cardio. The main reason is because the HIIT routines range from 15minutes, 20 minutes, 25 minutes which are equivalent to 60 minutes of cardio and the metabolism boost will last way longer after the routine is over. You can burn more fat doing a HIIT workout than straight cardio and save time.

    If p90x is an option then that is the way I can go. The main thing is to get going with something. Even if its ole school cardio/weight lifting for 10 minutes.

  • susanleasings
    susanleasings Posts: 371 Member
    Thanks guys!
    I've been jogging between 1 and 5 miles 3 times a week and eating right, but the scales just aren't moving! I've tried upping calories, I've tried lowering calories.......I feel like I tried everything except for low carb - and that is just because I've done it before and I turned into a real *kitten*. :) I thought 10-Minute Trainer may be a good addition to my jog each morning or for in between jog days.

    If it is seriously gathering dust, you should send it to me! :D

    BTW....I graduated P90X and Insanity....but now I am working full time, interning, and going to school which means class AND homework! It has been hell finding time for exercise AND sleep! BUT I HAVE BEEN!!! :) 10 Minute Trainer wuld be perfect I think!