Cheat day

My losing has been stalled out so I followed the advice that many others have put out about upping calories for a day to jump start the metabolism. Today was the day. I did not go massively over but did add a few (hundred) extra calories to my normal amount. I gotta say I feel horrid. I feel like all the work I've done and the amount I've lost has all been ruined because I went over my calorie allowance. My stomach feels over stuffed and I feel kinda cruddy. Is this normal? How soon will I know if this was a good idea because right now I'm not feeling that way? Is this normal? I thought having a cheat day would be fun but it kinda sucks.


  • Katie3784
    I think cheat weeks work a lot better than cheat days for jump starting weight loss, but if you can't even stand a day, I doubt you'll be able to do a week.
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    I'm with you...I had junk food today at a celebration and literally feel sick! I don't do cheat days, but once a week I allow myself a meal out under 500 cals or frozen yogurt. :)
  • UltraRunnerGale
    UltraRunnerGale Posts: 346 Member
    When we say to up your calorie intake, we don't mean to gorge on junk. I was stuck on a plateau recently, so I upped my calories from 1200 to 1360. I still ate pretty much the same foods, just added a few more items. It helped!! I am no longer on the plateau. :bigsmile:
  • bmmadden
    bmmadden Posts: 499 Member
    I know I had a bad day too and my stomach feels the same way you described it has been a long time since Ive eaten like that, Usually when I do that I weigh myself in the morning expect to see a gain though and do really good the next 4-5 days with your food intake and drinking LOTS of water with exercise and you should see your gain from your cheat day gone plus another 2-3 thats been my experience in the past when Ive splurged anyways, however my stomach feels disgusting and I dont want to eat like that for a long time
  • CaptainMFP
    CaptainMFP Posts: 440 Member
    Remember, increasing caloric intake to boost metabolism is not a cheat. It's a different caloric approach. Make sure on days like this you're eating healthy, calorie dense foods to boost your calories without over eating. I like protein shakes to put me over. Tonight, for example, I used 1 scoop of protein powder, 1 cup of milk, 2 tbsp. of sunflower seed butter, and 1 tbsp. of honey. A few ice cubs and I have a 470 calorie shake; not a lot by volume but calorie dense and a great post exercise snack.
  • mattellis2
    Geez, OP are you me? Yesterday was the start of college football season...something I love dearly. In preparation, I banked a few hundred extra calories earlier in the week, and then busted my rear for an extra 1700 yesterday morning. The idea was to be able to enjoy a large plate of nachos with all the good stuff as I watched Alabama's first game of the season.

    The football game was great! The food tasted OK, but not as good as I remembered. I felt like junk afterward, and today has been off too, though I have not eaten anything "bad" per se today. I think I am just going to stick to regular stuff from now on. The nachos were definitely not worth it.

    ETA: this is the first time i had gone complete off the reservation food-wise since joining MFP in late may. blah, not worth it.
  • Fit4_Life
    Fit4_Life Posts: 828 Member
    I have 1 day that I have whatever, but I go back to eat healthy by the next day.
  • wildestian
    wildestian Posts: 188 Member
    I felt that way when I started doing the 'cheat day', now I still feel bad but never 'sick'. I think it's psychological.
    I don't exercise that day so it's easier to be over the calories, and I started losing faster going over one day a week.
  • johncowart
    johncowart Posts: 40 Member
    My losing has been stalled out so I followed the advice that many others have put out about upping calories for a day to jump start the metabolism. Today was the day. I did not go massively over but did add a few (hundred) extra calories to my normal amount. I gotta say I feel horrid. I feel like all the work I've done and the amount I've lost has all been ruined because I went over my calorie allowance. My stomach feels over stuffed and I feel kinda cruddy. Is this normal? How soon will I know if this was a good idea because right now I'm not feeling that way? Is this normal? I thought having a cheat day would be fun but it kinda sucks.

    This is normal and very very much recommended. When you stay in a deficit for to long your body goes into starvation mode. It begins to store fat. Do 2-3 days of +100-300 calories then go back. If that doesn't work then add an additional day. That should do it. You will feel bloated because you are not used to it. You can use GOOD FATS (poly/mono) to add the calories and not feel so full. Fat is not bad if used properly. Fat does not turn to fat. Calories turn to fat. ;)

    You are not undoing anything unless you start eating chocolate pies before bed. You are actually filling your muscles glycogen stores (used for fueling resistance training). So the next days workout should be a great one and give it your all.

    Relax. It's not that big of a deal. This is a normal process in cycling your calories. Learn it and master it. Put this in your bag of fitness tricks for the future. You are not empowered. Go forth and BURN THE FAT!

  • fallenangelloves
    fallenangelloves Posts: 601 Member
    Cheat days are good for you. Don't feel guilty! It throws your metabolism off.... Your body starts to adjust to what you eat and when you indulge it kinda goes "what the heck is that!" and speeds up! I've always done this and that is usually when I notice a weight loss. It's also my day that I eat the foods I have passed up due to being afraid I would "go over". Sometimes it's just enjoying an extra glass of wine or a larger serving of a healthy dessert I made... Don't feel guilty, just remember tomorrow is a new day!
  • mscoco10
    mscoco10 Posts: 527 Member
    I think as long as you eat healthy its ok. I have a cheat day about twice a week. I don't eat cookies and doughnuts but exta veggies, fruit, etc. Even if you do have the cookies each day is a new day.
  • Bucky2BeBetty
    Bucky2BeBetty Posts: 79 Member
    I shared a hot fudge sundae, ate most of a chili relleno, and had spaghetti for supper. Perhaps I should have had healthier stuff?
  • gwenmf
    gwenmf Posts: 888 Member