Petite Girls! 5'2 and shorter! Weight Loss Done Right



  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    I'm 5'1" (maybe, I'm 52 and shrinking) and I'd love to get down to 120. I'd be happy at 130, though. It's funny, I distinctly remember getting weighed in 8th grade and being 135. It would make me giddy to weigh less than I did when I was 13.
  • ThatMouse
    ThatMouse Posts: 229 Member
    I'm 5' 1" and my goal weight is 105lbs. It's more extreme than other ladies here, it seems, but I think that's fine. I'm Asian and both sides of my family are pre-disposed to Diabetes, so I want to make sure I'm on the lower end of "ideal" BMI just to make sure.

    And to clarify, my goal weight is flexible. I weight train regularly and my goal is a combination of fat loss and training to improve performance in martial arts, so my goal range would be 105-110lbs. I've selected my goal weight based on Lyle McDonald's Body Recomposition Article and through my own experience.

    I'm down to 130lbs~ish from 157lbs and my lowest has been 119lbs. I had originally intended to lose until 125lbs, but when I attained that I realized I still had excess fat. So I figure I will continue cutting until I am 105lbs or until I find my performance in the gym or at my dojo is negatively impacted (whichever comes first). If I reach 110lbs and see I'm stalling in my strength or losing strength, I will maintain there and see what happens along with taking measurements and seeing if that's where I want my body to be.

    Ideally, I want to be at a weight which has a 15-18% body fat percentage and is lithe enough that I don't get in my own way when sparring. >w<
  • Eggsweet
    Eggsweet Posts: 20 Member
    I don't think there is an ideal weight for that height, I am about the same height, 113 lb however I'm working to get a more toned physique and tighten my poochy belly.

    @ThatMouse;; I kind of have the same situation. My grandparents on both sides have diabetes and liver problems as well. Lost a grandparent on both sides from liver cancer, not sure if it was lifestyle or if it was from the war.
  • ThatMouse
    ThatMouse Posts: 229 Member
    @Eggsweet Cheers for similar family situations! My grandma (only living blood relative) recently passed away, but it was due to old age. She did have Diabetes, but it didn't seem to develop any complications. She was, however, of healthy weight except in the last months when she was severely underweight. Similarly, I lost my grandpas before I knew them - both due to lung cancer from smoking.
  • Chaidell
    Chaidell Posts: 121 Member
    I'm 4'9 and I've found that I always look best around 105 pounds as long as I am toned. Any less and I start to look sick. Any more than 115 and I start to look overweight, whether or not it's muscle.
    Right now I'm aiming for 110, then I'll decide where to go from there.
  • Jeanaiah
    Jeanaiah Posts: 15 Member
    I’m 5’2, 106lbs..
    I don’t know but I’m still aiming for 101.
    I don’t like my body
  • MaltedTea
    MaltedTea Posts: 6,286 Member
    @Jeanaiah Glad you found the thread. It hasn't been active for a while so it may be best to read through it for tips you can apply to your life/situation. Perhaps it'll pick up again though. All the best.

  • ExistingFish
    ExistingFish Posts: 1,259 Member
    I'm 5'0" and shooting to stay between 110 and 120lbs for now (I'm still breastfeeding a toddler). I'd like to hit between 105-115 finally. I spent a while at 113lbs at the peak of my fitness, I've kind of relaxed a bit with the CV going around and our life basically thrown upside down.

    As we get back to normal, I'm also taking better control of my eating again, going back to the gym (starting TOMORROW! they are open!), and hope to be within goal.

    I'm up to 122lbs, which is outside of my goal range. I don't have much to lose to be on goal.
  • Pawbulous
    Pawbulous Posts: 17 Member
    I'm 5'2 and my goal is currently at the top of my weight range for the army requirements of 138. I've got to lost about 85 pounds in order to get to the size that I'd like, but it is quite difficult because I have an auto-immune/inflammatory disease that flares up in response to sweat as well as thyroid issues.
  • RelCanonical
    RelCanonical Posts: 3,882 Member
    I’m 5’1’’, currently aiming for 110 but may stop a little sooner and work on fitness to see where that takes me before I lose any more. I want to be able to give blood and you can’t weigh less than 110, so I would rather aim a bit higher and then work on overall musculature to gain weight before I get leaner.
  • cbenno97
    cbenno97 Posts: 130 Member
    5ft 1 and aiming for 115. About 15lbs to go to this goal. It's a struggle. Even after consistently working out and religiously counting calories, my body is not letting the pounds least not without a fight!
  • sashimimaniac
    sashimimaniac Posts: 71 Member
    i’m 5’1 and would like to weigh anywhere between 110 and 115, depending on how much muscle i gain too.
  • ally_1903
    ally_1903 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 5’1” and I'm now down to 130. My goal is 110.
  • beachbody4l
    beachbody4l Posts: 208 Member
    I'm 5'0 and looked good at 116. I'm currently back in the higher 120's and it looks awful on me. My ultimate goal is to get to 109 and maintain.
  • nooshi713
    nooshi713 Posts: 4,877 Member
    I am 5’0” and my ideal weight is 120-125 lbs.
  • ghudson92
    ghudson92 Posts: 2,061 Member
    I am 5'1" - started at 135lbs with a goal weight of 112lbs - currently maintaining between 107 & 110lbs - ultimately would like to get to 103lbs but can't be bothered to do another cut right now so just focusing on recomp. I am very petite and narrow so a few lbs makes a lot of difference aesthetically.
  • Beeingthin
    Beeingthin Posts: 40 Member
    I think this really depends on the density of your body and age. I’m 5’2, 42 years old. In my 20s I weighed 130 lbs and everyone thought I weighed 100 lbs. I remember playing “guess my weight” at the state fair and the guy was really genuinely shocked that I was 130 lbs. I wore a size 4/6. I got down to 115 lbs at one point and you could see my ribs and spine bone, which I didn’t think looked healthy and neither did any of my friends. In my late 30s I was more comfortable in a size 8 and weighed 145 lbs. According to the BMI chart, I was overweight but my doctor told me I was at a good weight when I got pregnant and to gain the normal amount of weight. Three kids later, I’m 153 lbs and wearing size 10/12. For me, the number on the scale has always caused anxiety because it is so different for everyone and too hard to compare yourself. I go by clothing size (as much as you can with all the varieties of the same size!) but still keep my weight in check for what I’ve learned works for my body. I strive to be back at a size 8 because I felt the most comfortable there when it came to the way I felt in my clothes and how much restrictions on eating habits. So my advice is find a clothing size your are comfortable in and strive for that number on the scale when you fit in that size. Just keep losing weight until you are comfortable and don’t beat yourself up to get to a certain number.
  • RosieRosie1975
    RosieRosie1975 Posts: 82 Member
    I’m 5.2 and my ideal weight is 140lb, it sound excessive I know but I’ve been dead lifting ext for twenty years so I have massive hams and quads and rather large glutes. my waist at this weight is only an 8 to 10 (uk) I can’t imagine ever going to less than this I would look awful. Isn’t it funny how different all our shapes are...some of you must be like little dolls 😊