So excited to join!

Karissarytting Posts: 4 Member
edited September 18 in Introduce Yourself
This site seems so friendly and easy to use! It really helped me keep on track today. I'm 31 and have four sons ages 2-8. Now that I'm done having kids I'm ready to get rid of the 15 extra pounds I've been hanging onto. Or at least 10 of them! To up the ante- my extended family is doing a biggest loser challenge for our family reunion this summer. Here's my goal: I want to lose 10 pounds in 3 months. Shouldn't be that hard right? But these are my LAST baby pounds- I've already lost the first 45. Which makes them my hardest.

My weight loss strengths are- I KNOW how to eat healthy (from years of reading labels for weight watchers). I have a consistent exercise routine I actually love that gets me moving 7 hours a week. (I walk for 3 hours a week with a friend, take 3 tae kwon do classes, and take an Irish dancing class once a week.)

My weight loss weaknesses- I'm doing next to no strength training so I can't even do proper ladies pushups. I eat everything in sight and snack all day long.

I am thinking if I could find a strength training program that I like and will actually DO and reign in my crazy eating habits I could actually lose these pounds.

I welcome any and all advice.



  • Karissarytting
    Karissarytting Posts: 4 Member
    This site seems so friendly and easy to use! It really helped me keep on track today. I'm 31 and have four sons ages 2-8. Now that I'm done having kids I'm ready to get rid of the 15 extra pounds I've been hanging onto. Or at least 10 of them! To up the ante- my extended family is doing a biggest loser challenge for our family reunion this summer. Here's my goal: I want to lose 10 pounds in 3 months. Shouldn't be that hard right? But these are my LAST baby pounds- I've already lost the first 45. Which makes them my hardest.

    My weight loss strengths are- I KNOW how to eat healthy (from years of reading labels for weight watchers). I have a consistent exercise routine I actually love that gets me moving 7 hours a week. (I walk for 3 hours a week with a friend, take 3 tae kwon do classes, and take an Irish dancing class once a week.)

    My weight loss weaknesses- I'm doing next to no strength training so I can't even do proper ladies pushups. I eat everything in sight and snack all day long.

    I am thinking if I could find a strength training program that I like and will actually DO and reign in my crazy eating habits I could actually lose these pounds.

    I welcome any and all advice.

  • FatDancer
    FatDancer Posts: 812 Member
    Greetings Karissa!

    Welcome to this site and ofcourse you can loose another 10-15...your on track with your exercise program and like you said, the food dairy here will help you reign in the calorie can get your diet in order...I've found that no matter how much I exercise I don't loose weight unless I keep my diet in order...I'm still working on being consistent.

    Good luck on incorporating your strength training...I like to practice Fluidity, weight train and dance...we have a member here, "Songbyrdsweet", who can always offer good training and nutrition advice...are you planning on going to the gym or working out at home...I like to train at home, I have all the equipment plus I don't have to wear shoes and I can blast my music...I do take weekly dance lessons at a local studio.

    Take care and good luck,
    Fat Dancer
  • lewandt
    lewandt Posts: 566 Member
    Hi and welcome. I think you will do quite well, it seems you already know the basics and i believe you found the secret....finding an exercise you enjoy. You found 3!

    I actually really enjoy the strength training. I bought 2 lb weights to start then worked my way up to 12 lbs (6 weeks at each weight before moving on). I usually do them while watching tv with the kids. (every other day for each muscle group).

    As far as the snacking all day.....i am with you. But i found what seems to work for me is eating 5-6 small meals a day each around 200 calories (it's like every 2 hours). And if i exercise i get extra calories ...i love it when that happens....

    Best already did 45, you can do 10!
  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
  • Karissarytting
    Karissarytting Posts: 4 Member
    Wow! Thanks for the welcome.
    I need to work out at home as I can't get away any more than I already am. Not to mention I don't want to pay for gym fees on top of my class fees. But, I only have a few weights. I have a set of 3, and 5 pound weights and one 15 and one 20. I am looking for a program on line- (free preferably!) that doesn't require a lot of machines. I'd be willing to buy a resistence tube or something else small, but don't have the room for say a bowflex. Plus, I still hate strength training. Sigh.

    Does anyone have a suggestion as to a very basic weight routine? I know I've come across them in Readers Digest magazine from time to time, just haven't saved any. And I want to find one that real people have actually used and liked.

    This is my second day tracking calories! Wish me luck!

  • FatDancer
    FatDancer Posts: 812 Member
    Hi Karissa...the following websites may give you a probably will have to purchase resistance bands or a couple more sets of of luck, Fat Dancer
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