
Hey all I'm looking for your thoughts. I'm wondering if getting insanity is worth the money, given that I already have a gym membership. I was just sitting here watching the infomercial for the last half hour, and I know how infomercials suck you in and a lot make promises that are not true. I used to be able to make it to the gym every single day, but now with work and baby (if only the childcare part was open the whole time the gym was open) I only make it in on average 4 days a week. I know I get in there and sweat and burn up calories, especially in cycling, but thats not full body. The strength training classes really don't have enough of a cardio aspect for only using 5 and 8 pound weights. I've been at this for 16 months now and have been ok with the slow weight loss, but really want to kick up the inches loss a notch, and am wondering if this workout would really be the way to do it...what was your experience?


  • vinlop
    vinlop Posts: 71 Member
    I'm doing a combination of Insanity and P90X (I know, I've been sucked into two infomercials :tongue: ). If you stick with it, Insanity will kick your butt. At least it did mine more than any other aerobics workout at the gym. I used to do step aerobics, and this is just way harder, but it is so worth it for me anyways. I have seen amazing results. You just have to stay motivated and press play every day.
  • my friend does insanity and she says its really hard but worth it. i have p90x which is similar to insanity and i also have a gym membership. i still find myself using both. the dvd workouts are good for the days that you dont wanna leave the house to work out. honestly, if you really think youre gunna use it then get it. it really couldnt hurt, even if youre only using it a few days a week instead of everyday.
  • wdwghettogirl
    wdwghettogirl Posts: 559 Member
    I saw fantastic results! I lost 10lbs during the 60 days, and I saw a huge difference in my body... especially in my stomach! I say go for it! I'm planning a second round starting in November. :)
  • BRISAjustAltered
    BRISAjustAltered Posts: 260 Member
  • Ashleysh22
    Ashleysh22 Posts: 204 Member
    I did Insanity over the summer and my husband is doing a second round of it now. We are both in love with Shaun T - and in fact, as soon as he finishes his second round of Insanity we are going to do Hip Hop Abs together.

    I am a representative of Insanity - shoot me a message/email if you want more info!
  • Ditto, I was wondering the same exact thing after watching the Insanity Informercial too, plus one of my MFP pals has lost a substantial amount of weight and toned
  • mbcasey2009
    mbcasey2009 Posts: 52 Member
    I did Insanity twice, back to back. It's great for the plyometrics of it, but if you're a runner (like me) or have knee problems, then just make sure you have perfect form! That was the only problem I had-so much jumping around it took a toll on my runs. I personally need to lift more (actual) weight, but I enjoyed all of the videos and they went by quick! And I work on the road a lot and live in a hotel pretty much so it's easy to pack-except if I'm anywhere that's not the first floor of the hotel the people below me tend to wonder why the crazy girl above them is jumping and banging around so much... have fun and good luck!
  • bexp2
    bexp2 Posts: 41
    I think Insanity is totally worth it. I've just started the second month of the program, and I love it. Like with any other program, your success with it will depend on how much you put into it. I can't imagine not getting results if you're really giving a good effort.
  • tigertchr23
    tigertchr23 Posts: 418 Member
    Insanity is a ton of high impact jumping exercises. It will get your heart rate up and you will work your butt off . . . probably harder than you ever have in your life. I saw a lot of changes in my legs and stomach. I have gone through it twice.

    Go for it! If you stick to it the way it is outlined you will love the results!
  • jennyfair24
    jennyfair24 Posts: 273 Member
    Its definitely worth the money...and unlike the gym, you pay once and its yours forever lol. I've done P90X and a bunch of other Beachbody programs. They all work. The infomercials aren't paid actors, theyre actual customers. I have my P90X before and afters and a picture from a live Shaun T workout on my profile. Its a crazy program but it will deliver the results :wink:
  • kimsciolino
    kimsciolino Posts: 240 Member
    I actually have Insanity but have not started it, I am currently doing Turbo Fire. I am currently on the end of week 13 this program is 20 weeks long and once I am done I am going to mix insainity and Turbo Fire together.
    Have you looked into turbo Fire? I burn between 800-1200 calories each workout. This is the first program that I absoultly LOVE. I have not missed one workout so far. Here is a suggestion go to and see if you can complete the fit test.
    If not I I would check out turbo fire If you like to dance you will really enjoy it.
    Good Luck on your decision.
  • I actually have Insanity but have not started it, I am currently doing Turbo Fire. I am currently on the end of week 13 this program is 20 weeks long and once I am done I am going to mix insainity and Turbo Fire together.
    Have you looked into turbo Fire? I burn between 800-1200 calories each workout. This is the first program that I absoultly LOVE. I have not missed one workout so far. Here is a suggestion go to and see if you can complete the fit test.
    If not I I would check out turbo fire If you like to dance you will really enjoy it.
    Good Luck on your decision.

    Oh thanks for that link! Turbo Fire I have looked at, but that program is really a lot of what I can get at the gym with turbo kick and other cardio things. See, I'm really not lacking on the straight cardio front. I do well getting my heart rate way up there, and have become pretty fit in that respect seeing how I was the opposite of fit a year ago. I know I still have 20+ pounds to lose, and I have some definition already in my shoulders, but I'm looking for more of a toning along with the cardio sort of program if you know what I mean.
  • I did Insanity twice, back to back. It's great for the plyometrics of it, but if you're a runner (like me) or have knee problems, then just make sure you have perfect form! That was the only problem I had-so much jumping around it took a toll on my runs. I personally need to lift more (actual) weight, but I enjoyed all of the videos and they went by quick! And I work on the road a lot and live in a hotel pretty much so it's easy to pack-except if I'm anywhere that's not the first floor of the hotel the people below me tend to wonder why the crazy girl above them is jumping and banging around so much... have fun and good luck!

    how has it been impacting your running? I just started doing races and am loving it
  • I'm doing a combination of Insanity and P90X (I know, I've been sucked into two infomercials :tongue: ). If you stick with it, Insanity will kick your butt. At least it did mine more than any other aerobics workout at the gym. I used to do step aerobics, and this is just way harder, but it is so worth it for me anyways. I have seen amazing results. You just have to stay motivated and press play every day.

    Motivation is definitely not something I am lacking in the kick my butt sense....its only the food I seem to battle for a few days every couple of months
  • mbcasey2009
    mbcasey2009 Posts: 52 Member
    Once I stopped Insanity I could do my longer runs again. It just killed my knees, and I'd rather get a 12 miler in with no pain that be able to jump around for an hour. And yes-the running will become addictive! My husband is now (more) motivated than I am it seems when it comes to running, I've done many long runs and a few races barefoot. The endurance I need for running and the endurance I need for Insanity are completely different-atleast with runs you can pace yourself comfortably. Insanity is balls to the wall for the length of the video, but did help with endurance. Knees, not so much...