Just counting calories! No diet no formal exercise



  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,950 Member
    edited May 2020
    Yes this is me. However I want to get back into lifting weights soon so that I don't lose my muscle mass while calorie counting to lose weight. However that never burned many calories for me so I don't worry about it.

    Over time I did notice trends like feeling hungry on days I didn't eat much fat or protein. So I do try to get a good amount of those, but I don't focus on hitting those goals. I just know I'll feel crappy if all I eat is granola bars and pasta lol. So now I just eat SOME granola bars and pasta... with my meat and cheese. Basically... i eat what my kids eat. I don't have it in me to make special meals just for me for the rest of my life.
  • swimmchick87
    swimmchick87 Posts: 458 Member
    edited May 2020
    I am just counting calories and walking. I am losing just fine, but I started with a lot to lose. I think I'm going to have to add in exercise to lose/maintain as I get smaller. I didn't want to overwhelm myself with too many goals/"new" things at once and I know eating less is the most important thing for weight loss anyway. I have been going strong with the calorie/counting walking since January 1.

    I have lost weight in the past using a combo of calorie cutting and exercise, and got to the point where I kept feeling like I had to "up" my exercise as I got fitter. At my lowest weight, I was spending 1.5-2 hours per day in the gym. I hated it, was constantly sore, and felt like I was just losing so much free time from my day. Unlike other people, I did not "learn to love" working out. Obviously eventually I just stopped going all together, and here I am.

    This time I'm hoping I won't have to do so much because my body isn't so used to the exercise now- by the time I start doing it again even 30 minutes will be a "new" thing to keep my weight loss going. And then I plan to not increase that time too much. I can always up the intensity of what I'm doing without upping the time.
  • fatmanthinuk
    fatmanthinuk Posts: 44 Member
    Hey all! At last I find a group similar to me!

    I used MFP 7 years ago to lose nearly 5 stone. I did couch to 5k but didn't enjoy running at all, although I was always impressed I could do it. However, over time, and due to some really bad life decisions, it's all gone back on and more unfortunately.

    So I'm at over 20st at the moment and pretty miserable about myself. Recently I have developed chronic tendinitis of my ankle muscles effectively ruling out running and long distance walks until I can get seen by a podiatrist and get sorted which was supposed to be last month, but has understandably been put on hold. I need to get some of this weight off to take some pressure of my joints before I even think about going bouncing around on them.

    So for the foreseeable future I'll just be counting cals, but eating normally as this is what worked for me last time.

    I'm not interested in any fad diets, 16 meals a day, fasting, running marathons or you becoming my own remote online personal trainer for only £30 per hour!! (Been back only a couple of weeks and already had multiple offers?!?!?)

    But if you've got some serious weight to lose, are eating sensibly, are not obsessed by how many miles you've run this month and have an open diary (so I can get inspiration, not judge!) I would love to be your friend on here and support you along your journey to become a happier, healthier you!!

    Love and respect to all.

  • hipari
    hipari Posts: 1,367 Member

    Yeeeeeeah definitely no specific diet here. Just trying to make sure I’m at a deficit. My husband literally brought home more Ben&Jerry’s today, I’m not going stop enjoying my treats. I’m just going to learn how to keep them within my calorie budget.

    I do try to work out though, but not because of the calorie burn. I have some fitness goals I want to reach, and during quarantine I get barely any general activity from things like commuting, walking around the office and so on, so I have to actually go out and exercise. As the genius Elle Woods from Legally Blonde put it, ”Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy.” I definitely agree with Elle, exercise puts me in a good headspace and that in turn helps me stick to my calorie budget. Sure, the increased burn is a nice bonus, but that’s not WHY I do it.

    During normal times I go to the gym 1-3 times per week. In summer seasons I usually take up running, and I’ve been trying to do that this year as well but ran into some health issues so now I’m just walking.
  • alabastermama
    alabastermama Posts: 45 Member
    Hi all! I’m glad to see others doing pretty much the same as me. Counting calories and eating what I want mostly.

    @VeryKatie I’ve sorted and tried all kinds of stuff over the years to lose weight. At 1 month away from being 55, I didn’t want to do all of that. This works fine for me and my lifestyle currently. But protein is way more important than carbs when losing weight to keep from losing muscle.

    @swimmchick87 as long as what you’re doing is working for you, keep doing it.

    @fatmanthinuk I find that as I have gotten older and more sedentary, any amount of activity out of the ordinary has resulted in some type of weight loss. So, as long as I keep a calorie deficit I think I will be ok. You have a friend here!

    @hipari life’s too complicated sometimes to focus on specific diet plans. You know your body and how it loses weight. Losing weight is simple- take in less than you burn and you will lose weight! Keep up what you’re doing.

    Angela in
  • alabastermama
    alabastermama Posts: 45 Member
    How’s everyone doing?

    I lost another pound this week. Anybody else had any success or even no change? How’s calorie counting going?