Holiday/Business trip eating advise??

Hi All,

I am going away for work for a week and a half in a couple of days. I'm at a critical point in my weight loss "journey" (hate that word but can't think of anything appropriate right now! haha) and I really don't want to mess up or lose motivation. I absolutely love ALL food, and love eating out, but I need to make sure I make the right choices while I'm away. I also can't eat raw fruit or vegetables at the moment, so the easy option of salads is out the window!

I would greatly appreciate any advise, tips or tricks on dealing with the hotel food, room service, catering at meetings, organised dinners, eating out etc

Thanks all!! :-)


  • bailey1981
    I work away all the time and this is a real struggle for me a lot of the time.
    I try and make sure I work out to counter act any naughtiness when I am away, so always make sure there is a decent gym/pool where I am staying.
    It's often easier said than done, but I "try" and plan what I will have for dinner and ask for it without the carbs. I have to admit thought that this is where I always go wrong and end up bowing to peer pressure! Also remember, that you wouldn't eat a three course meal when you're at home, so try not to fall in the trap when away... sounds obvious but it can all be oh so tempting!

    I really struggle as it is a regular thing for me, so if anyone else has any tips/tricks I'd be interested to know.
    Good luck
    H x
  • Dizzle_65
    Dizzle_65 Posts: 249 Member
    I always take my running kit with me as a lot of hotels don't have gyms and it's a great way to see the local area, I plan a route using Runkeeper and/or Google maps.

    Food wise I find it ok, you tend to get healthy choices and I adopt the mindset of eating similar things to what I have at home. For instance, as great as the Full English Breakfast smells, I don't have it at home so I won't have it at the hotel. As Bailey says, don't have a three course meal just because it's there, maybe treat yourself a couple of evenings but be careful do it once and before you know it you're having dessert every evening.

    I suppose my one tip is that I always take a few Protein bars with me. That way I can be more picky about what I eat and if I'm still hungry have a bar as back up.
  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    I would bring a few snacks that you normally eat at home. My friend eats Aldi fit and active meal replacement bar when shes on the go. They are 180 cals and filling she says.

    Take a good pair of walking shoes. If you get any down time, go for a nice walk in the local park, or neighborhood.
  • Quiltmania
    Many hotel rooms have microwaves and fridges now so call your hotel and ask if your room does. You can bring a cooler and fill it with meals you can microwave. If your room does not have a fridge, keep filling your cooler with ice. When eating out, look for things that are grilled or steamed. Ask for sauces on the side. If there is an Applebee's restaurant nearby, I think they still have under 500 calorie meals on the menu.
  • jgoff3003
    jgoff3003 Posts: 189 Member
    Hi All,

    I am going away for work for a week and a half in a couple of days. I'm at a critical point in my weight loss "journey" (hate that word but can't think of anything appropriate right now! haha) and I really don't want to mess up or lose motivation. I absolutely love ALL food, and love eating out, but I need to make sure I make the right choices while I'm away. I also can't eat raw fruit or vegetables at the moment, so the easy option of salads is out the window!

    I would greatly appreciate any advise, tips or tricks on dealing with the hotel food, room service, catering at meetings, organised dinners, eating out etc

    Thanks all!! :-)

    Do you hate the word journey because of HSC english..i know that is why I do
  • jgoff3003
    jgoff3003 Posts: 189 Member
    Also maybe look up places to eat that have a menu online before you go out, so you can make 'wise' choices