Accountability Friend

Hi guys! My name is Laura. I’m 34(almost 35) and live in western New York. I’m looking to lost about 50 pounds. I have a care manager to help me set goals for myself, but I feel like if I were to connect to someone who isn’t a professional it would give me more accountability. I’ve jumped right in to this app and everything that goes along with it. I’m losing the weight to be healthier and a good role model for my kids (18,15, 8). I also have Type 2 Diabetes and High Cholesterol. I’m also a smoker that is working on quitting! Looking forward to finding someone with similar goals who is ready to get going full speed ahead!


  • leahdwyer6721
    leahdwyer6721 Posts: 1 Member
    I’d love to connect! I have two kids and trying to lose 54 lbs.
  • AlannaWulf
    AlannaWulf Posts: 25 Member
    I have one kid and trying to lose weight for her! I would love active friends on myfitnesspal!