losing fat and lean body mass

When I started losing weight in June I had 36% body fat (determined by caliper method). I have lost 38 pounds and according to the calipers I am at 34% body fat now. This means I have lost 18 pounds of lean body mass and 20 pounds of fat. I am not getting weaker instead I'm actually getting stronger with better muscle endurance when I lift weights. Is it possible that I was so fat that the caliper method is inaccurate?

If that's not possible any suggestions how to lose more fat and keep more muscle? I was a vegan and started eating chicken breast and whey protein in an effort to save muscle mass a month ago. I eat 1200 calories a day, strength train 2-3 times per week and cardio every day (but never more than 30 mins of pure cardio). I only eat whole foods with the exception of my whey protein. I limit my fat intake to 15-25% of my daily calories and my protein is always higher than my carbs. I do not eat potatoes, corn, bread, wheat, sugar or saturated fat (except whatever amount is in the chicken breast). The fat calories I get are from flax seed oil and avocados.

If there are any suggestions or info on what I'm doing wrong please please please reply.


  • kevinlynch3
    kevinlynch3 Posts: 287 Member
    Your body fat measurements really seem suspect but I'll defer to some of the experts on here who may respond. Congrats on the weight loss :smile:
  • rodneyderrick
    rodneyderrick Posts: 483 Member
    I'm not sure what you're thinking, but I suggest you continue to lose until you're well inside your optimum BMI range. You're acting like life was better with the thirty extra pounds. Whenever you lose weight, there will be some muscle loss, depending on how you're doing it. If you're having too much muscle loss, you need to eat more carbs and proteins and spend some time in the gym lifting weights.
  • kevinlynch3
    kevinlynch3 Posts: 287 Member
    "You're acting like life was better with the thirty extra pounds"

    What are you talking about dude? She's asking for answers about whether or not she might have measured her body fat incorrectly?
  • johncowart
    johncowart Posts: 40 Member
    When your fat percents are in that range calipering becomes very unreliable. If you are getting stronger and losing the weight than do not stop what you are doing. When your body fat starts to get into the low twenties, high teens the calipers should come into play. I suggest at this time you use measurements to guide your weekly progress.
    Calipering just one spot will not be a good measurements of your body fat. You need to pinch at least 5-7 places and that requires assistance.
    Keep going. Don't stop what you are doing if your loosing.

  • chelleydee33
    Sweet. Thanks for the info/replies.

    It makes total sense if you're getting stronger you wouldn't be losing muscle. I was very concerned when I saw a loss of nearly 20 pounds of lean body mass. I know I will lose some lean body mass but 20 pounds seemed really high. Thanks for helping to settle down my frustration :)