5'4" moms over 25



  • Strength training is SUPER important ... you're not going to bulk up so don't be concerned with that. Challenge yourself with the weights; when one weight becomes to easy go up in WEIGHT not up in REPS.

    Granted becoming an IFBB pro probably isn't in your future plans, look at some of those ladies. Alot are moms, too. Cheryl Brost is a CrossFitter and she looks amazing; mother of 2 and close to 40 years old. Heather Bergeron is another one

    Just keep working hard and slowly work in some strength training
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I'm 5'4", 35 yrs old and I have 2 kids.

    I am maintaining 143-145lbs and I am happy and content at this weight. I've done a lot of research and the ideal weight for our height is around 118lbs - the range is 118-145lbs.

    I can not imagine being 118lbs. I can't imagine losing another 20-25lbs. I would be way too thin. I would look gaunt and unhealthy. I know I would.

    Everyone carries their weight differently and what is great for me, may NOT look good on someone else's frame.
  • My goal is 135-140. If I make it there, I may keep going! I know my doctor wants me at 145 at least. I was almost there last December when I got pregnant too. I'm at 168 right now after having my son in July so Ive got a long ways to go again.
  • shutterbug63
    shutterbug63 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm over 25 and 5'4", have one child. My goal weight is 135. For me, I know that is a good weight. There was a time in my life that I was at 125, and to be honest, on my frame, that did not look healthy. I don't think your age has anything to do with being too skinny, it all depends on how you feel and look, not what other people think.

    Just my two cents' worth.
  • CaitlinMyers428
    CaitlinMyers428 Posts: 151 Member
    I'm 22, 5'4", and currently at 156. I have one 9 month old daughter. I'd like to weigh around 125.
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