New today!

Today is my first day, I am excited to finally take care of myself!


  • Good for you! Many of us have had success here. I wish you the same.
  • acknan
    acknan Posts: 261 Member
    This site is wonderful! It's really changed my life. Even though I have been having some trouble staying on track lately, I know that this site is here to help me get back on track when I am willing to do the work! I'll send you a friend request! :)
  • add me if you like:) and welcome to the best site for weight loss on the net
  • I've been on this site before and I did well.. Fell off the wagon and well I'm ready to start all over again. I'm going to finally concentrate on myself.. Because if I'm not happy with me how can I be happy with others.. Can't wait to start and make new friends..
  • Krisjacobs98
    Krisjacobs98 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello I am also new this week. Hopefully we can do this together!
  • AmandaCG
    AmandaCG Posts: 46 Member
    YAY!!!! You can do it! This site is unlike any other! So positive and encouraging! Welcome!!!
  • Good for you!:bigsmile:
  • I've been on and off weight watchers for a while and did have some success - I lost 1 stone with them. I have more to lose and am not getting on with the new propoints system so thought I would switch to motivate myself again! (Plus this is free!) Would welcome any new friends to help support and challenge me.
  • ArtBrownNYC
    ArtBrownNYC Posts: 7 Member
    Welcome. Keep at it.
  • Thanks for the support everyone!
  • Congrads! I am new too! Maybe we can support each other in this journey!
  • feel free anyone to add me as a friend the more support the better :)