How do I lose wait

I’ve been trying so hard. Diet plans , exercise , and even cling wrap hacks from Pinterest. NOTHING EIRKS I NEED HELP


  • KrissFlavored
    KrissFlavored Posts: 327 Member
    It doesnt work because in order to lose weight you need to eat at a calorie deficit.

    Plastic wrap does not burn calories.
    You can eat more calories then you burn, weight loss starts in the kitchen, exercise is for health not weight loss

    Diet plans are designed to fail.

    All you need is the calorie goal given to you when you signed up, eat whatever you want within that goal. + any exercise calories
  • sweet116061
    sweet116061 Posts: 17 Member
    edited May 2020
    When trying to lose weight, you must do several things.

    1. Eat good nutritional foods, lots of protein, fewer carbs, and even fewer fats. DRINK WATER!!! You can burn off carbs easier than you can fats. If you consume foods that are high in fat, your body stores that fat and it's harder to lose.

    2. Exercise does burn fat and calories, so you must do something at least 30 minutes a day: a brisk walk, yoga, cardio, etc. You will burn fat quicker if you do strength building/weight lifting first and cardio second.

    3. Have a good plan in place each week, with at least two rest days in between your workouts--not back to back. On your rest days, go for at least a walk or light yoga and stay within your calorie count. I only do rest days from lifting, not cardio.

    4. You can have cheat meals, not an entire cheat day. I only have a cheat meal if I reach one of my goals: increase weights in strength training, lose 7lbs., shave time off my runs, etc. Cheat meals should be rewards only

    5. BE PATIENT!!!!! You didn't put on your weight within a week or two, so don't expect to lose it within a week or two. It'll take 30 days or so to see results

    6. BE CONSISTENT!!! Even if you're having a rough day, push yourself to do some type of workout. It does not have to be strenuous, but you need to burn calories. Do not deviate from your healthy eating--be strong!! If you have a day where you eat crappy and don't exercise, don't give up and just continue the next day!

    7. Make a weekly menu for yourself so you're not staring into a fridge wondering what to eat. Shop healthy and get rid of the junk food. When you get hungry, go for the cucumbers, not the chips. Don't worry about your meal times or how many times you eat. If you're hungry, eat--do not starve yourself, but DO stay within your daily calorie count. Remember: calories in, calories out--that's all that matters.

    Good luck!! You've got this!!
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    Are you using a digital food scale? Do you stay within your daily calorie goal? It's that simple. Don't complicate things. Exercise for health, but watch your calories to lose. Don't even think about "cheat meals" for now. Just eat what you need to fuel your body. It takes awhile to get the hang of things. Good luck.