New and could use some friends!

Hello! I'm new here. I have about 90 lbs to lose (yikes!)

I really struggle with emotional eating. If I feel sad, I eat. If I feel bored, I eat. If I feel stressed, I eat. I do this even if I'm not hungry. I need to change my relationship with food and get away from using it as an emotional crutch. I would REALLY appreciate some suggestions on that front.

I walk a lot to run errands and such, but don't have a regular routine so I'd like to get in the habit of exercising at least 3 times a week for at least 30 minutes.

What else about me?

I don't eat meat. I pretty much mostly eat vegan though there are times when I will have some cheese or some honey.

I live on the east coast of the US, but I am from and long to return to the west coast.

I'd really like to find exercises to help me lose belly fat!

I hope I can make some friends here to help me on my journey to a healthy weight.


  • Butterfly3081
    Butterfly3081 Posts: 67 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend. I'm a single mom of 2 boys trying to lose my post baby belly..i too eat when i'm stressed, emotional or otherwise i share in your struggle..
  • sexyminxinthemaking
    add me if you like ive just started my journey to combat the weight issue ive got about 28lbs to loose goodluck on your journey you can do it
  • yaz
    snap.... reading your post is like reading my own one !!! add me to if u want to
  • meljane52
    Hi there you can add me too. I just lost about 34 pounds in a month and I have alot more to go too. So I understand. God bless you on this hard journey, Mel
  • jillyjelly
    jillyjelly Posts: 148 Member
    hey there I will be your friend - I am actually starting this time for real - let's see my problem is I am a yo-yo dieter and I have tried all the fitness programs and they don't work for me so hopefully this works.

    Let's see I live in Michigan

    I have dimmed down on my meat intake

    and I have started doing yoga - really works and I too am an emotional eater but I learned to handle it somewhat
  • nlowry09
    I'm new too with 56 pounds to lose. Hopefully we can help each other out. I have gone up and down with weight for years and also am an emotional eater.
  • Sam426f
    Sam426f Posts: 47 Member

    Please feel free to add me - I am back on MFP after a wobble and putting back on wht I had lost. I think that this site is fantastic, it helps you keep in control and remain focused.

    Friends on here help massively, looking at others exercise and comments helps with motivation and enthusiasm.

    Sam x
  • BeanyFrog13
    BeanyFrog13 Posts: 161 Member
    You can add me too if you like, we'll all get there together :)
  • cran110378
    I am new here too, you can add me. I am a first time mom to twin boys and need to lose about 80-90 lbs. I feel like I eat just to eat. I lost about 80 lbs 7 years ago, and need to do this again.