
I usually dont get discouraged too easily anymore but I made my first set weightloss goal which was 185lbs by the end of Feb. I did it! Awesome yes! But then the next day I went over my cals by quite a bit... I wasnt worried... I hadnt gone over for quite some time. Now my weight has shot up to 189lbs! It has been here for 2 days!! I thought maybe water weight.... But im just so discouraged right now about it.


  • Carrie6o6
    Carrie6o6 Posts: 1,443 Member
    I usually dont get discouraged too easily anymore but I made my first set weightloss goal which was 185lbs by the end of Feb. I did it! Awesome yes! But then the next day I went over my cals by quite a bit... I wasnt worried... I hadnt gone over for quite some time. Now my weight has shot up to 189lbs! It has been here for 2 days!! I thought maybe water weight.... But im just so discouraged right now about it.
  • ma9321
    ma9321 Posts: 227 Member
    Don't worry, it happens to the best of us. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get back on the wagon. Work out a little harder than usual.... it should come right off.
  • PrincessLaundry
    PrincessLaundry Posts: 2,758 Member
    One day of crazy eating isn't going to cause you to gain and sustain weight. It might cause you to have salt water weight, or cause your tummy to fill. But do not stress over tiny weight. I am sure you do know that, but it is nice to hear, right?

    One pound = 3500 calories burning or gaining

    So with that math, you would of had to have eaten 14,000 extra calories that day in order for this to be actual pounds.

    Feel better? :*) Keep up the motivation!
  • wildfire68
    :flowerforyou: Don't get discouraged.....
    There could be many reasons for the gain on the scale. Water gain, muscle gain, that time of month.
    How are your measurements? I know when the scale doesn't move or decides to add pounds I have lost inches. So chin up......:love::flowerforyou:
    Celebrate the strides you have made and will continue to make.....
    Enjoy your day..
  • MissNova
    MissNova Posts: 563 Member
    :bigsmile: Don't get discouraged you have done great so far. We have all been through that and you just have to get back into the grove and work harder. Keep your head up!!! You can & will do it!

    :heart: Miss Nova
  • etrips
    etrips Posts: 22
    You know what they say right, easy come easy go. Like last week I was 190, then it shot to one 195 mid week then by the end of the week it went back down to 188 >.> lolz some people just fluxuate more then others.
  • tinasullens
    tinasullens Posts: 203 Member
    First...congrats on reaching your goal!!! That's awesome! Remember, it isn't unusual for our weight to fluctuate a couple pounds from time to time, depends on the time of the month, if you're under any stress, too much sodium, etc. One day of bad eating is not going to ruin all your efforts.

    Did you weigh yourself at the same time of day? Are you weighing first thing in the morning or after you eat/drink something? It's important to ALWAYS weigh yourself when you first wake up, empty your bladder, etc. and weigh w/out any clothes on. That is your TRUE weight.

    Keeping working out, add some strength training days if you aren't already. The more muscle you add to your body, the more fat you will burn on a continual basis. You're doing great! (((hugs)))
  • thejarviclan
    thejarviclan Posts: 465 Member
    Agh, this has happened to me before and it seems to be cyclical. It does come off, and usually there's a nice little "kerchunk" bonus drop, too. (Probably because I get so paranoid I exercise more when it happens!)
  • neeterskeeter
    neeterskeeter Posts: 571 Member
    This happens to me... seems like I eat perfectly and do great, then I have one bad day and I gain it all back and THEN some!! But it does come back off if you get back on track. It is likely water weight and retaining sodium. Give it a day or two, keep being persistent with your exercise and eating well, and it will come off!!!!
  • bonnykate
    bonnykate Posts: 123
    Don't worry about it - just keep eating healthy food, drink lots of water, and stick to your diet and excercise plan - pretty soon your weight will be right back down :smile: .

    Don't forget, weight is SUPPOSED to fluctuate from day to day, and four pounds is within the normal range. If you've been eating a lot of salty foods and you haven't been drinking as much water as usual, this is probably just water retention.

    Be gentle with yourself - you've already done it, and you'll keep doing it, and you CAN do it!

    Go you! :happy:
  • Carrie6o6
    Carrie6o6 Posts: 1,443 Member
    Thank you all! You have made me feel better.. I was just getting so down! :flowerforyou:
  • Carrie6o6
    Carrie6o6 Posts: 1,443 Member
    One day of crazy eating isn't going to cause you to gain and sustain weight. It might cause you to have salt water weight, or cause your tummy to fill. But do not stress over tiny weight. I am sure you do know that, but it is nice to hear, right?

    One pound = 3500 calories burning or gaining

    So with that math, you would of had to have eaten 14,000 extra calories that day in order for this to be actual pounds.

    Feel better? :*) Keep up the motivation!

    I have thought of this! I havent seen you in a long while! You are looking great!
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    I hear ya!
    PLEASE try and weigh yourself weekly and if you have a 'bad' day get right back on track...it will pay off!
    I let things go over the Holidays and that I was all that because the scale didn't go up..then BAM...up 3 pounds in no time...it all caught up to me
    It took me 2 weeks of eating right and working out to loose 1.5 of those pounds

    You can do it!!!