Drinking my calories, bad idea?

I'm new to MFP and today I am under my calories by a lot (500), is it ok if I have a glass of wine to take up some of those calories or should I eat something???


  • HotMamaByVday
    HotMamaByVday Posts: 343 Member
    I would drink the wine! Of course, I have wine almost every night, but usually limit my intake to 1 glass. I would pair the wine with some cheese and crackers or some fruit to balance it out.
  • catherine4211
    catherine4211 Posts: 944 Member
    I have 205 calories left and was thinking the exact same thing!!! I say "cheers"...............
  • CaptainMFP
    CaptainMFP Posts: 440 Member
    Have totally done this a couple times...though with good beer, not wine. :wink:
  • melvac
    melvac Posts: 333 Member
    I heard that drinking alcohol decreases your metabolism= slow your weight loss down. If you want to drink somethine I would drink a Protein Slush, it's healthy and usually has a lean low fat protein:drinker:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    I do it quite often if I have extra exercise calories--I try not to drink any of my base calories b/c then it would cut into my nutrition. Just make sure to log it and pay attention to whether it affects your ability to shed lbs. It doesn't put me into a plateau, but I know others on here have posted that any alcohol (even within their calorie allowance) completely stalls their weight loss.
  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    If you want wine... by all means have it!!

    Just try not to do it every day - mix it up and have nuts, peanut butter or other higher calorie but slightly more nutritious than wine foods.
  • juliapurpletoes
    juliapurpletoes Posts: 951 Member
    I think it depends on whether what you've eaten today has given your body enough nutrients and fuel! I myself have lost my 24 pounds in 5 months and included a cocktail many of the evenings. didn't hinder me at all. that said, I made sure i ate great foods, no processed prepackaged, fast foods.

    So listen to your body and give it what it needs.


    p.s. 3 ounces of red wine is only about 70 cals.....so have some cheese, fruit, healthy cracker, etc.! enjoy
  • judimuro
    judimuro Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks everyone for the advice, I did have the red wine and it was delicious. Well worth it :smile: