Vanity Pounds

Since moving in with my boyfriend almost 2 years ago, I have gained nearly 15 pounds. I know, I know. No one wants to here a skinny girl complain about the vanity pounds, but that's not what this is. First of all, I have never been the "skinny girl" - just average, healthy, and happy with that. But now, I am not comfortable in my own skin and it's driving me insane, bringing me back to the high school insecurities most teen girls have no matter what size they are.

I should have realized what was going on with the first five pounds when I started wearing my boyfriend's oversized t-shirts to bed instead of my fitted tank tops, but my boyfriend thought it was cute and I thought it was comfy so I didn't bother asking myself why I was doing it. I didn't realize how much weight I had gained and why I was suddenly uncomfortable in my body until summer hit... Tank tops, going out, slinky summer dresses... That was the extra push I needed. Unfortunately, it took the whole summer to get it, but hey, I finally did and lost my first pound this week using this program. :happy:


  • CelenaOlson
    Good luck to you! And Welcome.
  • Falling_star
    Falling_star Posts: 204 Member
    well done, i think its so easy to put weight on when you meet someone that loves you for who you are. i did when i met my partner plus he introduced me to foods i had not tried before like nutella :-). at least you have reconised before its got to far. well done
  • sexyminxinthemaking
    well done you!!! keep up the good work and the 15 pounds shall fall off in no time i need to loose about 28lbs and in two weeks have lost 8lbs im soo pleased to finally be goin in the right direction add me if you like we can do it together :)
    BRANDYLYNETTE Posts: 192 Member
    BEst of luck to takes us awhile to realize these things.. Be thankful it was only 15 pounds you had gained. Trust me, it took ALOT more for me. When did it hit me? When I weighed more than when I was 9 months pregnant! That did it! Happy that it didnt take YOU that long! ; )
  • sknopps
    sknopps Posts: 166
    3 years and a baby later, i was 60lbs heavier than when hubby and i met. i totally feel your pain. congrats and welcome!
  • Meg2012
    Meg2012 Posts: 106 Member
    Y'know - we have ALL been there. And a few pounds aren't a bother at first. And then you get used to it, and it's a few pounds more. etc.

    Using tools to see what you can tweak where is a good thing. So is moving - get moving in any way that makes you feel good. Dancing, Zumba, walking with friends... anything. Just do something, while the weather's still good, and you can develop a habit before it's too cold and you have that as an excuse!
    THISisTARRAN Posts: 487 Member
    It happens to everyone girl! :) I know how you feel. Just be happy that you realized it. It took me 3 years and a baby also!! I was ALSO 60 lbs-ish heavier than when we met & finally I decided to make a difference in my life- both of us have. We are doing so much better now.
    You can do this! No matter if you have 15 lb to lose like you or 60+ like me...its one day & one bite at a time! :)
    One of my favorite sayings is "A year from now you will wish you would have started today." Just think about that when you get down and out.
    Good luck to you- Enjoy the journey!
    <3America Getting Healthy
  • tikkamasala
    tikkamasala Posts: 36 Member
    I can relate completely!! good luck to you-- I've found that just being more aware/vigilant about how many calories I'm consuming has really helped! Feel free to add me if you're look for support buddies!
  • pholbert
    pholbert Posts: 575 Member
    As someone said all of women can relate. Good for you to take this step. The food diary I am finding out is a great tool.
  • micbea
    micbea Posts: 11 Member
    Very good point. I live in Alaska and have always used the winter as an excuse to hibernate. I hate the cold and the only winter "sport" I truely enjoy is sledding ;)

    Lately for excercise, I've been walking our new puppy and am dreading having to get back in the gym once the snow hits - even though I know (from the past) that I'll love it once I get in there. I just have to... get... there...

    * I'm not sure if this posted correctly, but this is response to Meg
  • micbea
    micbea Posts: 11 Member
    Tikkamasala - The calories counter is a huge tool! I had no clue how much more I was eating until I started logging it. I couldn't believe my calories were waaaaayy above what I should be eating. I'm actually suprised I didn't gain more.
  • fit4lyfeLisa
    fit4lyfeLisa Posts: 529 Member
    Welcome to MFP, and good luck with your weight loss journey!! You will find lots of encouragement and support on here.
  • darlilama
    darlilama Posts: 794 Member
    Vanity pounds? No way. I say kudos to you for catching yourself early! Wish I had done a better job of that. :smile: I started gaining weight after my now-husband and I moved in together. So did he. We called it "happy fat" :happy: But… it's gone a bit beyond that now! Ugh. I complain about the Indiana winters… I don't know how you keep going in Alaska!

    MFP has been a great tool. Calorie (and nutrition) logging is certainly a reality check!

    Good luck to you! Send me a friend request, if you'd like.