Calisthenics Tips

Does anyone have any tips to get shredded quick with calisthenics? I don't have a time frame but I'm trying to maximise fat loss without losing muscle. Should I do high reps? Low reps? Add weight? Focus on core excercises? Cardio?


  • officiallyprado
    officiallyprado Posts: 2 Member
  • Milocmolly
    Milocmolly Posts: 23 Member
    Alternating days Cardio and Calisthenics 6 days a week with one rest day.

    Cardio: 26 minute run, any pace you want

    60 push ups
    60 sit ups
    40 Mountain climbers
    2 min glute bridge
    60 second L side plank
    60 second R side plank
    40 Leg lifts
    60 second plank
    Pyramid pushups (up to 8, then back down)

    This is what we did in military boot camp, it isn’t too bad. Look up pyramid push ups if you need to. This was paired up with interment fasting. I went from a pant size 13 to a pant size 5/7 in 8 weeks by doing only the above.
  • cupcakesandproteinshakes
    cupcakesandproteinshakes Posts: 1,092 Member
    Sorry but there’s no way to get shredded quickly. Think in a time frame of years. Follow a programme that focuses on progressive overload.