New but not new 😏

mmcwilliam78558 Posts: 1 Member
edited May 2020 in Introduce Yourself
Morning all, so here I am again back on fitness pal, tracking everything.. needs must!! So I’m not new to fitness pal but new to the community, I’ve never posted before. Maybe this will help keep me on track 🤷🏼‍♀️ I hope so because after a few life “hiccups” and a second baby I’ve piled on the pounds and want to lose around 3 stone. I’m from Scotland, married with a 7 year old and 1 year old and in the current situation with lockdown, homeschooling and my husband and I both being furloughed, it’s tough times! We’re also making the most of it and making great memories, this is a unique situation and although it’s tough I’m grateful we’re all off and experiencing it together. Hope everyone is well, and can’t wait to see how everyone is coping with current times and hopefully read some success stories to ispire me too. If you read this, thanks for reading 😊 x


  • leahcollett
    leahcollett Posts: 6 Member
    I'm into week 2 post partum.. I put on about 4 stone.. with baby number 3. It's now so hot and cant for into any summer stuff.. currently healing from a c section so no exercise yet so I got to try sort the diet. I'm new but not new too.. was a member few years ago 😄
  • BLKCat83
    BLKCat83 Posts: 2 Member
    I’m post baby number 2.. this is my second go around with MFP too!
    Currently working full time through the lock down. I need others input who understand what it’s like to try and lose weight with kids around, especially small kids!
    I need to lose about 20-30 lbs 😬 trying to get motivated!
  • Lacey_Locket
    Lacey_Locket Posts: 58 Member
    Hi! I'm also post baby number 2
    I have about 30lb to go, feeling motivated at the moment but that is subject to change! X