
Hello everyone,

My name is Rita I’m 37 and I have about 60 lbs I’d like to lose. I used to be very active... going to the gym 5 days a week for 1-1.5 hrs at a time... I loved doing group classes, particularly high intensity interval training. At my fittest I was about 170 lbs which was still not my goal but that was because I was not watching what I was eating at all. Fast forward to now... I have developed a huge bone spur in my heel, which completely rocked my exercise routine. I became depressed, stopped working out all together and ate to my heart’s content. So now I’m trying to get back on track with changing my diet and getting back to exercise (low impact). If anyone wants an accountabilibuddy feel free to message me! Sorry for the long story!


  • jd444455
    jd444455 Posts: 13 Member
    Everyone has a story. No apologies necessary.

    Good luck.