Need to fit into my bridesmaid's dress, ASAP!

KiteGirl83 Posts: 31
edited October 2 in Introduce Yourself

I started couch to 5k a few months ago, and I'm running and exercising a lot more lately. However, I've started gaining weight! I can only assume that it's my eating. I'm excited that MFP isn't going to cost me $40 a month like WW, and that I can find "friends" to encourage me. If you're looking for friends and ideas for food/positive peer pressure for exercise, that's me!

I wouldn't worry about the weight so much, except I have a beautiful bridesmaids dress to wear in the end of October, and I'd feel a LOT better in it if I was down 10 lbs.!


  • you'll get lots of motivation and info here! good luck.I'll send u a friend request!!
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    100% sure its your eating. Open up your diary, track EVERYTHING you eat.

    Great work on C25k and working out!
  • I'm actually getting married myself in April and I'm looking to get into a much more comfortable and smaller size. I know all too well the unflattering way a camera can make someone look! I wish you all the best of luck and I'm sure, when the day comes, you'll look fabulous in your bridesmaid dress. Tip for a great and filling snack: carrot sticks. No joke, they really fill me up!
  • Dickersondiva
    Dickersondiva Posts: 97 Member
    Funny! I was just posting about my very first day on C25K! It's a real treat to read. Lol. I will certainly add you as a friend. I also have a bridesmaid dress to put on (in a size 16..booo) but I hope to have to get it altered to a smaller size by the time I pick it up! The wedding is on October 22nd.

    You pay 40 a month for WW? You must attend the meetings. I paid 17.95 a month for WW Online...but I love it here much better..and it's free. Soooo...I am canceling WW.

    Just tell me this....Is it normal for the first day of C25K to be sheer hell? Cause that is what it felt like. LOL.
  • You've made the right move to this site! It's free and the friends I've made are awesome!
    I'll friend you!!
  • bcweisen
    bcweisen Posts: 118 Member
    Sometimes the weight gain is muscle so you can't always trust what the scale says. Is the dress tighter than it was a month ago? I'll send you a friend request as well.
  • Deckershann
    Deckershann Posts: 272 Member
    Sometimes I'll gain like...anywhere from three to five pounds in one weekend and then it goes could just be water?
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