I need to start making changes.

Nataliieexo Posts: 50 Member
edited May 2020 in Health and Weight Loss
As the title says I need to start looking at making a healthier life for myself. Before we were put into lockdown I had started antidepressants and have had a lot of ups and down and am currently on mitrazapine. Still experiencing a lot of ups and downs. But I’m keeping a close eye on my weight as they are well known for weight gain, to my surprise I haven’t gained any weight at all during lockdown which is a plus and since starting the medication I haven’t gained anything either, I did have a good few days eating everything I could possibly eat but it’s settled down.
I need to lose the weight for my fertility, I was diagnosed with secondary infertility and the only thing they can think causes it is weight gain. I weigh 16st 2lb and need to be at 12st to be able to take fertility meds to help me ovulate and hopefully conceive. It’s pretty embarrassing having my fertility affected by my weight.
Not only that I suffer hyper mobility and am in a lot of pain all the time, I’m currently doing physio therapy but only been doing it a week or so, I’m hoping it will help but I think losing weight would benefit me more.
I suffer from insomnia which isn’t getting better with the mirazapine as it a sedating side effect but not for me. The downside to my none sleeping is I’m hungry during the night and sometimes give in or i eat more food during the day in order to survive the day.
I also binge eat too and have been stuck in a cycle of constant binge eating that it just is my norm now and I need to break the cycle.
So yes I have a lot to work on, aswell as weight loss. Now lockdown is being lifted for my country I need to start getting out more. I’ve been more than happy in my bubble of safeness with my son, infact lockdown came to my advantage, I didn’t have to make excuses to not see anyone, wasn’t expected to go anywhere or get dressed. For quite some time my body issues and anxiety have been pushing me further away from wanting to go out. I just feel so self conscious.
Right now I’m trying melatonin to try and help me get more sleep, I’m sure I’d be more motivated if i was getting some decent sleep.
Next steps is to try get out more, improve my mental health and look at what I can do food and exercise wise.


  • lgfrie
    lgfrie Posts: 1,449 Member
    Pick one thing, and nail it, for just one day. For instance, tomorrow, eat 1500 calories and then stop. Put everything else to the side and just get that one thing right. Show yourself you can put a win on the board, and then take it from there the next day with one more small win, in any area you choose. With this your confidence will grow that you can turn things around without getting overwhelmed.

    Please reconsider melatonin. I took it 20 years ago for insomnia and developed health complications that are never going away. Don't be fooled by the marketing and the over-the-counter nature of it; it's a serious drug and its side effects can be severe for some people. It is as habit-forming as any sleep medication. If I could hit the Reverse key on any decision I've made during my life, taking Melatonin would easily be in the top 5.
  • JK1542020
    JK1542020 Posts: 73 Member
    Hey. So my situation is very similar. I've always been infertile (pcos). 4 years ago I lost a lot of weight - got down to a healthy BMI (10.7) and with the help of fertility medication I conceived. Now 4 years of depression and comfort eating later I was 16.9! So i tried to have another baby but it wasnt working. I was told no more treatment until I lose the weight. I need to get down to around the same...I'd like 11.7 but id be super happy with 12! Today I am 14.9 so 2 stone down and 3ish to go!

    I highly recomend you buy the book 'It starts with the egg'. She recommends various supplements and a Mediterranean, low GI very healthy diet. This book isnt for everyone its quite extreme but you can pick and chose what you want to try. It's really helped me understand what I can do to help myself (for example getting a really good quality prenatal, getting vitimin levels checked, cutting out sugar). This isnt a diet book it's a summary of the best scientific evidence to support fertility so the dietary recommendations are based on fertility enhancement not weight loss. For weight loss you need to count calories.

    I calorie count on here and I excersise too. I got a Fitbit to help me keep track of my activity too as it makes a big difference moving more. It's slow progress but it's working.

    One of the most powerful things you can do for fertility is keep your blood sugar under control. This means eating plenty of healthy fats, protein and vegetables, beans, lentils, quinoa for example and avoiding the things you know arent great like junk food and sugar. You want to focus on anti inflammatory high nutrient foods - fish, veggies, nuts, avocados, olive oil, blueberries, eggs, BLACK rice, sweet potato, seeds, and if you have dairy chose full fat - less sugar, more satiating, better for insulin.

    Also get your vitimin d levels checked as they're probably low especially if you dont like going out. Correcting a vitimin d deficiency can seriously improve depression, aches and pains inc from hyper mobility and vit d is essential for fertility so please get it checked. Its not enough to just pop a supplement as you may need prescription strength to get your levels up properly like I did. Mine were critical level!

    Good luck. To sum up: buy the book, get your vitimin d checked and look up Mediterranean anti inflammatory foods x
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 33,969 Member
    edited May 2020
    I agree with the last two posts completely.

    Vitamin D was life-changing for me. So was learning to eat a nutritious whole foods (mostly) food plan. So was getting exercise on most days. It takes some time to get in the groove, but I had to start.

    I also had a really bad experience with Melatonin. Careful there.