looking for some encouraging words.....

I started in January at 183 lbs.....
My first thought was that I would love to get down to 130 lbs.
I am currently 132...
having trouble getting to 130 been stuck at 132-133 for a couple weeks.
IDK if i am just maybe trying to settle and be happy where I am at or keep pushing
to get to 130....I would love it even more if I could get to 125 and then maintain..

Please send me some encouraging words so that I don't lose track
and fall "off the wagon":blushing:


  • Congrats, you have done great!!! You can just allow 3 pound up and down. A couple pounds isn't noticeable anyway. I would love to get down to 140.
  • Wow that's such an achievement! You've done incredibly well I find it hard to understand how you can think you might lose your way when the end goal is in sight! A plateau in weight doesn't mean that there aren't changes going on in your body composition, perhaps you should measure something else for a few weeks to confirm that?
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    The amount you lost is the encouragement.
    Stay healthy and strong.
    Good Luck
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    If you think 125 or 130 is where you would be the healthiest, then you CAN do it. Watch the calories, up the exercise, drink lots of water, and don't forget to get enough quality sleep. I am sure I will need encouraging words when I get down to the last few pounds. Don't give in to those last few pounds (I am convinced giving in to "a couple of pounds" is how every weight gain begins. You've lost 50 pounds you can go the difference, I know it!
  • Hang in there! Your body is probably taking a little bit of time to adjust to the "new" you, then you will start seeing some changes again. How are your clothes fitting? You may be noticing some difference there, even though you aren't seeing anything on the scale.

    You have made it a long way and your healthy living will pay off huge (if it isn't already)!
    Congratulations on your accomplishments so far!
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    From my experience in the past the last few are the hardest but you CAN do it. Tweak your exercise and/or calories and see if you even like 130. Remember the smaller you are the harder it is to lose so still do it slowly maybe .5 to 1 lbs per week. See how it fits you. Keep saying your head "I will do this..." it will happen! Happy 130 in advance!!!!!
  • you have done really well i cant wait till im at the other end of the 130s mark still another 10lbs to go for me though :(
    JDNOX Posts: 619
    I started in January at 183 lbs.....
    My first thought was that I would love to get down to 130 lbs.
    I am currently 132...
    having trouble getting to 130 been stuck at 132-133 for a couple weeks.
    IDK if i am just maybe trying to settle and be happy where I am at or keep pushing
    to get to 130....I would love it even more if I could get to 125 and then maintain..

    Please send me some encouraging words so that I don't lose track
    and fall "off the wagon":blushing:

    Think of it this way you started a 53 Mile marathon. You can see the finish line now. You can push yourself that last two, you can do that. Think about how hard it was to make it the first 51 and the last two will pale in comparisson. You can do it and when you do, you will be your own hero. You will know that you made your goal. The smile on your face will be there because of you and you will feel wonderful. Don't get frustrated if the days go by and you don't lose the last two pounds. Think of it in a positive way, everyday you don't lose but you stay the same that is proof you can keep the wegith off. You will make it. You can do it and You will.
  • Cbecons
    Cbecons Posts: 12 Member
    Stop paying attention to that number on the scale but keep pushing yourself forward. Those 2 pounds will come and go so often that it's not worth paying attention to. No one is going to notice if you are up or down 2 pounds either. Now look back to where you came from. Do you see the 51 pounds that you had at the start? Now that is noticeable and an amazing achievement. Be proud of what you have accomplished, I'm proud for you and inspired by you!
    I did that to myself with my last real diet 10 years ago. I got caught up in goal setting that I never allowed myself to enjoy the goal. With pride comes self-esteem, and with self-esteem comes self love the self love will keep you moving forward to your goal!
    And I want to share a quote I read today:
    If you're not being treated with love and respect, check your price tag. Perhaps you have marked yourself down. It's YOU who tells people what you're worth by what you accept. Get off the clearance rack and get behind the glass where they keep the valuables!~~~Marla Cook
    I hope you find the motivation from me that I have found from you!
  • Special thanks to all of you for the encouraging words....I
    needed that.....:P:bigsmile: