Hello Everyone!!!! :-)


Im new to MFP and really looking for that extra motivation to lose those last 10-15 pounds! Im doing great with my eating habits but I cant seem to find any motivation when it comes to working out :-/ Anyone have any ideas? I would love some tips on what motivates you!


  • Tlcatwen
    I am new to MFP as well. I am looking for the same answers. I love to swim but the summer is ending. The other problem I have is that I work nights and I don't usually have a lot of energy to begin with let alone after working 3 nights. I got a treadmill for my birthday and have only had the opportunity to use it twice. I am trying to make a habit of using it at least 3 times a week. Let me know if you find an exercise workout that is fun and motivating.
  • wbond
    wbond Posts: 363 Member
    Welcome to both of you...MFP is a great site of motivators and supportive people. I find my motivation in my wife and kids. My wife and I do Beachbody workouts. She does Turbo Fire and I do Insanity. Seeing the body transformations I have seen with our workouts helps us keep pushing play and working out.
  • mmuzzatti
    mmuzzatti Posts: 706 Member
    Well our group is over 50 and if we find out that you did not workout we give you crap! Works for us...it can work for you so the question is....Did you work out today?

    (Just kidding but we really do check on each other.)
  • mmuzzatti
    mmuzzatti Posts: 706 Member
    Sorry that was age 50 but we let you kids in to see if you can keep up.
  • natifan2
    Having MFP friends can be a motivating factor. Also having someone wonderful in your life to provide support and motivation can be a big key to success. I have found that my workouts go much better when I listen to my favorite music. Music has been the key for me alot of times. It is very easy to do rowing exercises to Metallica as I have found out. I call it the Metallica workout, but music in general makes it much easier.
  • Enforcer25
    Enforcer25 Posts: 350 Member
    Welcome to MFP, what motivates me is my wife, myself, and my co workers. I want to look good for my wife and myself and at work we depend on each other and when *kitten* hits the fan, I want to make sure I can handle myself and be an effective backup. My workout routine is elliptical, biking, running, ad boxing. My lifting is machines and free weights. I like to mix things up. There are a lot of good people here and a lot of tools to help you track your meals.
  • mewaybright
    mewaybright Posts: 240 Member
    I have a set time of day when I work out. For me it is 5:00 or shortly after I get in from work if I work late. I have found as well that you have to have a workout that does not become boring. I have been doing P90X and find it easy to stick with because the workouts change through out the week. They may repeat weekly but not daily which keeps it interesting. If the P90X isn't your style maybe http://www.bodyrock.tv would work for you, the workouts are short (from my perception) and she has many videos online they are all different and they are free... best price.
  • JLee1892
    JLee1892 Posts: 19 Member
    I work at an awkward time of day as well. Im not really into working out before I go to work but then if I wait I end up making excuses why not to work out later :-/ I also have a treadmill(incline trainer) that I do love, but often times I push myself way to hard on it and all I think about when I go to work out is how crappy im going to feel. I need to just learn to slowly ease into and not scare myself away. I will def let you know as soon as something works out!
  • JLee1892
    JLee1892 Posts: 19 Member
    I love that alot of you have someone special in your life that motivates you!! My boyfriend of 4 yrs is in GREAT shape but I often get too intimidated working out with him. I worry to much about looking out of shape in front of him, not sure how to get over that.
  • LarChris
    Have you ever tired Zumba? I love it! It's fun and it works your butt off!
  • eddiegirll
    Hi I'm new today & it sure does feel good to see my efforts to lose weight down on paper so to speak.
    I think since I live on a small farm, what works for me is to just make myself get outside & start moving, there is plenty to do. Plus I love to be outside. I hope this works for you.
  • JLee1892
    JLee1892 Posts: 19 Member
    Zumba does look like alot of fun and I LOVE to dance!
  • JLee1892
    JLee1892 Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks everyone for the tips! It is really great to have support and people to talk to with the same goals as you! All of my friends only ever hassel me and say "why do you want to lose weight!?", not very motivating.
  • fit4lyfeLisa
    fit4lyfeLisa Posts: 529 Member
    Welcome to MFP, and good luck with your weight loss journey!! You will find lots of encouragement, support and amazing people on here.
  • eddiegirll
    I know how it feels to be so tired from over working. Just know that you are doing the best that you can at this point. You will get there. I think you really need to get the rest that you need in order to continue working. I use to work nights also, I rested cuz that was all I could do. Then when I had three days off, boy I felt so much better. I needed that rest.
    Will it help if you changed your diet alittle, like say are you eating enough protein & iron?
    I heard that walking on a treadmill is best when it is facing in a certain direction; like the window or open door. Does that make sense to you?