Anyone cutting after a bulk?



  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    Weekly update: I have had some crazy fluctuation in weight these past few weeks. But it seems like i have settled at 164lb. I am definitely feeling more lean. My 6-pack is starting to pop. Hoping that I can be done this cut by my birthday at the end of July. I am amazed, I never thought in all my journey, that I would need to cut this low to get this lean. Holy crap on a cracker.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    @pitbullpuppy I can't handle measuring my bodyfat% for that reason. I know what I look like, I know what I want to improve, last thing I need is a device or something telling me I am 75% or more haha. Some people love numbers but for me it is just discouraging.

    @psuLemon that seems to be very common! I always have to go a lower than I originally thought. It sucks. It's so funny I will start a cut thinking, oh hey I look great I won't have to lose too much. Then 5lbs later it's like.. yea I'm almost there! Then another 5lbs and it's like, oh man I am still not there what is going on. Then I start to panic thinking the bulk didn't go well or I lost too much muscle! But in the end it all works out. :)
  • steveko89
    steveko89 Posts: 2,217 Member
    I was checking out tdeecalculator and I am really puzzled on what activity level to put myself at. I exercise six days a week (strictly weight lifting) & my purposeful exercise lasts about 1 hour a day, sometimes more, sometimes less. I feel like putting heavy exercise is deceptive (I am always in full sweat and go to near-exhaustion, but I don't feel that it is necessarily HEAVY, I think heavy is along the lines of Insanity, no?), but that is what it terms 6 days/week. Any advice?

    I’ve found that lifting 5 days/week, ~ 60 min each translates to “lightly active” on tdeecalculator for me, ymmv
  • steveko89
    steveko89 Posts: 2,217 Member
    With disappointment, I'm back in the office today. My job really lends itself well to WFH life and I felt like I'd really found a nice groove. @Pitbullpuppy getting a Skulpt prompted a full scan (24 sites) this morning to see where I was.

    Since my last full scan on 3/9 (one week before starting to WFH) here are the deltas
    Scale weight - 178.6 to 174.8 (-3.8 lbs)
    BF% - 14.8 to 11.9
    Lean Mass - 152.167 to 153.99 (+1.823 lbs)
    Fat Mass - 26.433 to 20.801 (-5.632 lbs)

    Not too shabby if to be believed for 84 days.
  • GaryRuns
    GaryRuns Posts: 508 Member
    edited June 2020
    Thanks! That makes sense and also explains why I'm losing so freakin slow.

    Just a rant: I bought the Skulpt Chisel & I have a pretty sweet BF% on most parts of my body except for my thighs and the thing put my entire bf% @ the bf% of my thighs. Gotta fix that. lol; it's messing with my emotions. But if anyone is on the fence it is a cool device and addictive.

    Ordered mine today. Thanks for the recommendation @pitbullpuppy!

    I'm really pissed off at myself for what I've let happen during the quarantine. I was probably within 3lbs of my 178lb target when the s*it hit the fan. I decided to forget about cutting because I didn't want it to negatively impact my immune system and just go with a slight bulk for the duration. Unless someone knows of a way I can redefine "slight bulk" such that approximately 20lbs of weight gain in two months can be used in the same sentence I blew it!

    On the positive side, my wife works at a small gym and the boss gave her the okay for us to use it during this mess. It's been nice having a fully equipped gym to ourselves, and I've made pretty good gains during my "slight bulk". And today my gym opens back up in a limited capacity. I'm a bit apprehensive but I'm going to go in at an off hour and see what it's like.

    Anyone else have any gym-reopening experiences?

    Hopefully the new Skulpt will help motivate me to get back on track, and put down the giant tub of Costco mixed nuts that are the bane of my existence!
  • MelodiousMermaid
    MelodiousMermaid Posts: 380 Member
    @GaryRuns My gym is phasing in for opening. Went in today and it was pretty limited. A representation of most equipment, but the whole facility was not available. Got done what needed to be done, but not thrilled about how it was all set up. Can't wait for additional phases. Especially the phase(s) that will open up the locker rooms and the real strength training room. It's a large facility overall, and about 1/3 of the building is in use right now.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    Weekly update: Currently at 165 (up 1 lb). Inam probably retaining water from running AthleanX AX-2 and i have been sore as hell. Also, I have been incorporating more carbs as a test (120-150). Since we are going to the beach (in laws), i am seeing if i mitigate some fat gains. There is some evidence on diet induced insulin resistance and my last two times i have taken a break, its been more difficult to lose that weight.

  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    200.0 on the nose for the official weigh-in this week. I need to be 185 or under by July 18 for my meet. This is gonna suck for a few weeks.
  • MidlifeCrisisFitness
    MidlifeCrisisFitness Posts: 1,106 Member
    Maintenance successful at 168 lb goal weight for the last 3 weeks. Added size 1/4" to shoulders and left Bicep. Small slow downward trend in bodyfat. Increased calories by 200 daily and increased protein by 40 daily.
  • watts6151
    watts6151 Posts: 905 Member
    psuLemon wrote: »
    Weekly update: Currently at 165 (up 1 lb). Inam probably retaining water from running AthleanX AX-2 and i have been sore as hell. Also, I have been incorporating more carbs as a test (120-150). Since we are going to the beach (in laws), i am seeing if i mitigate some fat gains. There is some evidence on diet induced insulin resistance and my last two times i have taken a break, its been more difficult to lose that weight.

    Can you post up the evidence please.
    Most coaches recommend low carb or keto
    To rynthesise the the body to insulin after a massing phase

    I’ve found I’m far more insulin sensitive after a cutting cycle on lower carbs,
  • Mr_Healthy_Habits
    Mr_Healthy_Habits Posts: 12,588 Member
    edited June 2020
    sardelsa wrote: »
    @psuLemon what is diet induced insulin resistance? Does it only happen with lower carb diets? I have never heard or experienced it (at least not that I am aware of!)

    @quiksylver296 Good luck, eye on the prize!

    Gahh I am not doing well here. Just feel terrible about my progress. I am not sleeping well, I'm not eating properly, my workouts are short, rushed, frustrating. As a result my body composition progress is not looking good. I was so spoiled to bounce back so fast after #2, #3 is a whole different ball game :(

    Have you seen you? 😂...
    You're way in your head... I know you're talking progress here but don't loose sight of the Forrest for the trees...

    You look fantastic and not just for someone whose had 3 kids but for anyone...

    But I get it...

    Me: Oh man, I'm feeling pretty thin and lean this morning 😏...

    Also me: *Gets on the scale and sees I'm up a lb...

    Me 3min later: Oh I feel so puffy and bloated today 😣

    If you think your workouts and etc are lacking, it's likely to alter how you view yourself and feel... At least in my humble experience 🤷🏽‍♂️
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    watts6151 wrote: »
    psuLemon wrote: »
    Weekly update: Currently at 165 (up 1 lb). Inam probably retaining water from running AthleanX AX-2 and i have been sore as hell. Also, I have been incorporating more carbs as a test (120-150). Since we are going to the beach (in laws), i am seeing if i mitigate some fat gains. There is some evidence on diet induced insulin resistance and my last two times i have taken a break, its been more difficult to lose that weight.

    Can you post up the evidence please.
    Most coaches recommend low carb or keto
    To rynthesise the the body to insulin after a massing phase

    I’ve found I’m far more insulin sensitive after a cutting cycle on lower carbs,

    To be honest, its been a few years since i did a.lot of that research. Ill see if i can find the data.

    I recognize a lot of coaches use keto for cutting. I suspect that is largely from the satiety impacts and given that carbs aren't essentially nutrients.

    To not include a legit refeed (very low fat), in my experience, if come off keto intend to gain quickly (outside of glycogen replenishment). Anecdotal, so take it with a grain of salt.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    Thanks @Mr_Healthy_Habits I know I am being hard on myself but I just feel so awful. Lack of sleep, schooling and entertaining the kids all day is killing me, plus the crap workouts are just not a good combo. I can only really workout when the baby naps (if he naps!) And it's just like constant interruptions from the others "Mommy when is lunch ? Mommy can you help me with this? Mommy come check out my awesome Lego castle " Loveeee them but oooof not good for the concentration and focus I need in the gym.

    Ahh the scale think of any increase as water weight (not fat) being held in your quads or biceps (or whenever you are wanting the gains). Then flex and see the pump. Boom! There it is :)
  • vivek_bharathi
    vivek_bharathi Posts: 4 Member
    Hey I was skinny with cutting but I really don’t like tat . I wanna make bulk cutting like a beast...And I’m new here wanna make some frndz for better motivation
  • jmarieua10
    jmarieua10 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey all, I’ve been lurking for a while as I ran a six-month bulk that wrapped up near the end of May. I was really pleased with my 12lb weight gain, significant strength gains, and all the comments on the definition in my shoulders and arms! Now I’m having a really hard time getting this cut off the ground - eating more is way more fun than eating less! I’m hoping a little accountability here will help keep me on track 😊
  • steveko89
    steveko89 Posts: 2,217 Member
    First week back in the office went pretty well fitness-wise. Down a full pound on average since last Monday to 173.4 and have been flirting with cracking the 172s for a daily point for the first time since last April. Still readjusting to getting up earlier to lift so I've missed a few sets but at least hitting all the major lifts. I should've snapped a picture this morning; I had four bars going and every weight plate except one pair of 5s employed to giant set DL, Squat, Bench, Rows, and Face pulls.
  • hlr1987
    hlr1987 Posts: 151 Member
    I've been researching lean bulks, so do you mind if I ask a few questions here? It does connect to cutting after a bulk.
    I'm wondering how long have you all typically bulked for?
    As far as I can determine if I'm a woman, not new to lifting but not super experienced (2nd year while I lose weight), then the most muscle I could expect to put on would be about .5lb a month. I've seen the recommendation of 10-12 weeks suggested as a first time bulk period, so including the same amount of fat over that period I could expect to put on 3-5lb overall? That doesn't seem like a huge amount of fat to have to cut afterwards, when I'm in the middle of still losing 70 pounds. Do you all bulk for longer than this (I can see six months mentioned above)? And would being limited by small calorie increase in a lean bulk make a more longer bulk effective? I can see myself yo-yo-ing and not really making any gains at all, but I'm very hesitant about gaining a massive amount of fat since I've spent so bloody long losing it. So overall I'm wondering how long people have bulked for, because the cut discussed here seems to be longer than the less than a month I would expect I'd need to lose the fat gained off 12 weeks of bulking?
  • Mr_Healthy_Habits
    Mr_Healthy_Habits Posts: 12,588 Member
    hlr1987 wrote: »
    I've been researching lean bulks, so do you mind if I ask a few questions here? It does connect to cutting after a bulk.
    I'm wondering how long have you all typically bulked for?
    As far as I can determine if I'm a woman, not new to lifting but not super experienced (2nd year while I lose weight), then the most muscle I could expect to put on would be about .5lb a month. I've seen the recommendation of 10-12 weeks suggested as a first time bulk period, so including the same amount of fat over that period I could expect to put on 3-5lb overall? That doesn't seem like a huge amount of fat to have to cut afterwards, when I'm in the middle of still losing 70 pounds. Do you all bulk for longer than this (I can see six months mentioned above)? And would being limited by small calorie increase in a lean bulk make a more longer bulk effective? I can see myself yo-yo-ing and not really making any gains at all, but I'm very hesitant about gaining a massive amount of fat since I've spent so bloody long losing it. So overall I'm wondering how long people have bulked for, because the cut discussed here seems to be longer than the less than a month I would expect I'd need to lose the fat gained off 12 weeks of bulking?

    Usually I bulk until I can't stand the water balloon suit and longer, then I cut until people start calling me skinny and I start bouncing off the other Dads on the soccer field like a basketball ball off a wall 🤷🏽‍♂️...

    It's about a 20lb difference... And I'm kinda not even joking 😂