Pull ups question

bllaura10 Posts: 42 Member
I’m trying to improve on my pull ups and just wanting some advise on how to go about it. My goal is to gain muscle and strength. I’m not sure if I’m better off doing assisted pull ups for more reps, going unassisted for as many as I can, or do or doing negatives. In my weekly workouts I was incorporating assisted pull ups with a band 2x a week and could do about 8reps x 4sets. Today I did unassisted in my workout and can do about 3reps for 4 sets. Or should I do negatives to build up my strength and hopefully be able to eventually do more? Female 5’6 135lb.


  • Lolalikeslolagets
    Lolalikeslolagets Posts: 142 Member
    I made progress after years of just doing assisted/banded pull-ups by programming unassisted into my workouts as often as possible. I think when I went from 2X a week to 3/4 I finally started to be able to do more reps. Negatives are a great finisher also. Try each week to add one rep. There are some good drills to engage your lats too if you search for it. Changing up your grip helps a bit too, for example, I can do more chin ups than I can pull ups and they still work your back as well and it’s rewarding.. so I always do one day in there with either parallel pull-ups or reverse grip. Oh and lat pull downs helped me also.. good luck!
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    edited June 2020
    I don't know your programming, how you respond, or training history.


    1. Maybe add a set.
    2. Maybe add a day.
    3. Maybe a combo of two or three variations throughout the week.

    What is your primary goal and/or secondary goal? Long term goal?

    Strength of pull ups? Or display by another means?

    I encourage you to seek the answer to my questions. Your answer will be discovered more than likely by trial and error in relation to the answers to my questions than random advice from people who know nothing about you or how you respond to training.
  • tuckerrj
    tuckerrj Posts: 1,453 Member
    do a google search for pullup training by Major M.J. Posey. So many cool options there.
  • KayakerJoe
    KayakerJoe Posts: 80 Member
    Best tip I ever had from a PT was to do reverse pull ups. Jump up, grab the bar and hold a high position while lowering back down as slow as possible. Repeat 5 times then 3 more sets.

    This is a brilliant way to achieve success.

    Focus on your scapula and back.
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