I need an unbiased opinion please :/



  • Emalyn
    I see exactly where you're coming from. My ex bf was exactly like that, and I couldn't stand it. It was always me that got blamed for things or that had the "wrong" opinion. And they never like it when you have a different opinion than theirs and they can't change it. I really feel for you, I hope you do get that help in October and that it DOES help, because it's sucky to be in a relationship where everything is miserable and you don't feel like you can talk to them because you only end up with crap or the dreaded "past" thrown in your face. Text is really hard, too. I broke up with my boyfriend after we had a fight over text. He said some awful things, and I didn't always answer, which made him madder. When I told him how upset I was about the things he said, he didn't seem to care, and actually admitted to being glad that I was effected that way by his words. Text is powerful, it's still words...but you can read them over and over and they always hurt. I hope you two can figure it out! You sound like such an intelligent woman, and I hope he realizes that and stops blaming everything on you, honey!! <3