Looking to Reboot, and lose 50lb. Support needed please!



  • cerysr
    cerysr Posts: 18 Member
    I’m up for a group. 🙏🏻😀

    Found this in the FAQ’s section.

    In our Android and iOS apps

    To reach the Groups feature, first tap "Community," in the menu or “More” screen.

    Then, tap the main Navigation menu (the left-most icon at the top of the screen) and tap “Groups.” Finally, tap “Create New Group.”

    Your Group will need a unique name, and a brief description. You may optionally add images for your Group’s icon and banner.
  • PotatoHead_
    PotatoHead_ Posts: 290 Member
    @fairy_daisy It's weird how similar it is for us all when we just start out, eh?! I dropped a bit on the scale this morning, so I feel a little more motivated now as at least that means I'm below where I started now thankfully :p
  • PotatoHead_
    PotatoHead_ Posts: 290 Member
    @cerysr Thanks for doing the 'Group' scoping!

    Everyone - what I'm thinking is that we keep this thread going all this week, and have a weigh-in check-in on Sunday 14th (for those who up for it). I've realised I need to do SW, CW, GW on a check-in, otherwise it's not enough info, LOL.

    Any newbies who want to join in this week, it'd be lovely to hear from you too!

    Then perhaps those of us who feel up for it, I'll start a Group for us to switch to later in June, and we can really rally around each other longer term within that, with everyone chatting to each other! (moaning also allowed, LOL).
  • hanweky
    hanweky Posts: 44 Member
    I’ll bite! Used this as a teen and almost reached my goal. One wrong meal completely derailed me. Finally back on it after reaching my highest weight from binge eating disorder. I have 43 lbs left to lose! Would love to join you guys.
  • allenjamie457
    allenjamie457 Posts: 35 Member
    Hi I’d like to join a group as well. I’m hoping that will help keep me motivated and accountable. I have 50 lbs to lose as well. 😊
  • cugogirl2017
    cugogirl2017 Posts: 8,764 Member
    I like the idea of returning back to this thread and seeing everyones motivational thoughts and handy tips. I have bookmarked this thread to keep coming back to thank you @potatohead and everyone else for joining in. Together we can do this!
  • cerysr
    cerysr Posts: 18 Member
    Anyone else here working from home? It’s hard stopping myself from fridge breaks (Any tips?) but made even harder by a husband who keeps bringing me snacks despite being asked not to. I know this sounds ridiculous and ungrateful but it’s hard enough without having chocolate and muffins shoved under my nose 😳.
  • 4jumps
    4jumps Posts: 6 Member
    Good morning from the USA. I’m restarting too and need some encouragement. I lost 45+ pounds from 2018 to last year. I maintained until Christmas and then lost it. Gained 10 back and during COVID quarantine another 20 by stress eating. Now I’m almost back to ground Zero and need help!

  • cugogirl2017
    cugogirl2017 Posts: 8,764 Member
    4jumps wrote: »
    Good morning from the USA. I’m restarting too and need some encouragement. I lost 45+ pounds from 2018 to last year. I maintained until Christmas and then lost it. Gained 10 back and during COVID quarantine another 20 by stress eating. Now I’m almost back to ground Zero and need help!

    We are glad you are here. You didn't gain it all back just some, so that is the good news. I bet the quarantine lbs will come off quicker than you think. It just sometimes takes one good step to break the spell and you have already taken it by coming here. We have all lost, gained some back and are here together to lose once and for all hopefully. Stick with it, you can do it.
  • PotatoHead_
    PotatoHead_ Posts: 290 Member
    @hanweky Helloooo! One wrong meal usually derails me too! It's like ok, I've messed up, I may as well eat all the junk food now...and start again next month. I'm going to try and get out of that habit now. There's quite a big chance I'll mess up, but what I'm hoping I will do is log all the calories honestly, and then get right back on track the next day.

    @allenjamie457 Hello to you too! Is this your first time using MFP for weight loss? I do find it helps to keep me motivated if I connect with people on the same journey here!

    @4jumps Welcome! You've got back on it really quickly - you should be proud of that! You've had some difficulties in the early part of the year and then are quickly rebooting! It's taken me 5 years to commit to trying a full reboot (face palm). You've got this!

    @cerysr Indeed I'm working from home, but luckily the husband and kids aren't here, so they don't bring me stuff! My husband has been well-meaning offering me things too, but I've told him straight to stop doing it, and he has. I would suggest doing the 'serious conversation' thing with yours perhaps? Not the 'no thanks, stop offering me' casual request in the moment, but instead the 'turn the tv off and sit together and pay attention for a minute' type request. The one where they realise you're serious and it's an important issue for you.

    The fridge breaks have been a massive part of my life for the whole of Lockdown sadly, leading to an extra pile of in weight. Bright side, it brought me back to MFP after a 5 year hiatus. What have I done over the last 7 days to curtail this....hmmmm... I started making tea instead of going to food. I normally only have one cup of coffee in the morning, but I've started making hot drinks a lot, as it feels a bit more 'of a thing' than grabbing a cold drink. But I've also started drinking more diet coke. I've been worried about my extra caffeine intake over the last week, so I've just bought som de-caf tea bags! Also, another tip is to plan your meals and log them at the start of the day - you can see what you've got to look forward to - and you can see that you don't really have hundreds of calories left over for fridge browsing all day. I've usually plotted in an 86calorie packet of crisps (chips to the Americans!) as a snack, meaning I know I can grab it if I want to, but I tend not to do so in the morning as i think "no, I'll want that even more later". I don't know if that helps? In short - hot drinks, plan meals, have one set snack that you can graze on but only once!

    @cugogirl2017 I totally agree with you, quarantine lbs will defo come off more easily. 'Fresh' weight gain seems to go pretty easily (making me even more worried about my 5 years...) "Break the spell" - I like it! I think I've done that now, I don't feel trapped anymore, but I'm not quite "in the zone" yet. This is where I can go through day to day for months eating well and losing, without obsessing about food.

    Right now I'M IN THE TOTAL OBSESSION STAGE!!!!! "What can I eat...I'm hungry...how many calories can I have...log in your prospective dinner and see what's next...would ham be better than fruit, I can have more of that for the same calories..." etc etc, repeat infinitum.

  • PotatoHead_
    PotatoHead_ Posts: 290 Member
    BTW, I do think I've sent everyone who has posted on here a friend request, but if I've accidentally missed anyone, do please send me one, thanks!
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    I'd like to join - making a group page would be great so if that happens I'm in. :smile:

    I'm at a similar weight at you @PotatoHead_ I was 45lbs lighter and feeling great two years ago when a medical scare happened and life turned upside down and looking back I was eating my feelings and feeling sorry for myself. I've done that a lot over the years and I'm breaking that cycle. I need to commit to weighing myself weekly, if not daily, to stay on track. That helped me in the past. Right now just making lower calorie food choices, tracking calories with MFP and walking more.
  • PotatoHead_
    PotatoHead_ Posts: 290 Member
    @busyPK Good morning! Or at least it's morning where I am in England. Where are you?! There is something really useful about connecting with people with a similar amount to lose for me, maybe it's an assumption of similar daily struggles? I'm doing the same as you, lower cal food, tracking calories...but hopefully building up towards more exercise. I have physical limitations, but I also find just getting out for a walk very difficult right now with work. At weekends, I drag the family out with me, but I've found that MFP's slowest rate of walking is 2mph. I know my maximum is 1.0mph in the park with the kids, as I recently walked on a mapped route! :D

    I'm sorry to hear that you had a medical scare - I hope your life has started rotating the right way up again. Pleased to have you on board :*
  • cugogirl2017
    cugogirl2017 Posts: 8,764 Member
    I agree@PotatoHead that even if we are walking slowly that is still good. I agree with you @busyPK that choosing lower calorie foods and tracking are really useful and helpful habits to break the cycle. I think that emotions play a lot into food choices and eating. I do struggle with trying to not eat out of boredom or when I feel stressed. I think the summer months help with taking my dog on longer walks.
  • cerysr
    cerysr Posts: 18 Member
    Did a mid week weigh this morning because I broke and eat a few slices of my kids pizza last night! Oops. Needed to hold myself accountable and check the scales this morning! Thankfully no damage done hope it stays that way. Back on track again today. Early morning walk to get my head right before the day starts! How’s everyone else doing? Ps I’ve added anyone on this thread as friends 🤞🏻
  • PotatoHead_
    PotatoHead_ Posts: 290 Member
    @cugogirl2017 - too true, just tracking helps break some habits (unfortunately mine came back when I stopped tracking...oops). Boredom and stress, and also sadness are so relevant to eating for many. But I also know many celebrate with food, and food can be a key connection with others - eg. a big takeaway with the family, when you don't normally sit down together! I've got a ridiculous way of always eating when sat in front of the TV, no matter my mood, stress levels, or if alone/with others. I can't quite figure that one out other than it is potentially just purely "habit".

    @cerysr - Well done with holding yourself accountable after going off-plan. This is where I normally cover my eyes and hope for it all to go away. I'm really hoping to do the same as you. Glad your weigh-in went well! Hope the weather is fine for your walk - it's turned freezing where I am after weeks of sun!
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    @PotatoHead_ I'm in the US - so it's morning for me now. :smile:

    Yesterday I got my middle kid outside with me and we went on a walk/jog. He rode his scooter to the park nearby then he ran around with me 3 times (1 mile). He is 8 and likes to run, stop and wait for me to get within 1 foot of him then run again, rinse and repeat. I never catch him as he's so fast! I stayed within my calories yesterday and did a weigh in today and although it is the heaviest I've been in 3 years, it's my starting point.

    Goal is to stop the night snacking and get some sort of exercise in daily (outside walk, jog, treadmill, gym, backyard soccer with kids, etc.).
  • PotatoHead_
    PotatoHead_ Posts: 290 Member
    @busyPK Good luck with all that exercise, it sounds exhausting just reading it, LOL! We have a little gym gear in our garage, but none of it suits me. I may look towards buying something once I feel a little more mobile. Just feel sooo bulky at the moment (plus I have general mobility issues). I'm proud of you for your walk/jog! My kids are too little to get to more than 1 mph, LOL !
  • PotatoHead_
    PotatoHead_ Posts: 290 Member
    As we head towards the weekend, may I check with you all as to whether you are up for (A) Sunday Weigh-ins, and (B) Switch to a Group. Thanks!


    And to any newbies out there, be quick and get involved, you are still welcome! :)
  • PotatoHead_
    PotatoHead_ Posts: 290 Member
    BTW, if we start a group, you can have different chat threads within it - eg. one just for Sunday weigh-ins, one for daily chat, one for "*kitten* I've gone off track, help!", any other random stuff that comes to mind, etc etc :D