PCOS “cysters”

Hi! I’ve been on here for quite a while but only started taking it seriously over the past few months. I was hoping to make some motivation buddies on here, specifically those with PCOS who understand the various struggles that come along with that no matter where in your journey you are (;

btw my phone does not like the word “cysters” and almost made this very weird...


  • ALZ14
    ALZ14 Posts: 202 Member
    Hi! I have PCOS and I swear I gain weight by looking at food. Granted I eat crap but I’m trying to do better.
  • heatheralamode
    heatheralamode Posts: 15 Member
    Hahaha I feel that statement so much!
  • sydnimeehan
    sydnimeehan Posts: 2 Member
    That's the way I feel too! My boyfriend is finally trying to get me motivated to lose weight and eat healthy (i've been trying for YEARS, and as I told my weight loss doctor: it doesn't matter if I walk 6 miles a day or sit on the couch and eat popcorn and drink a bottle of wine- my weight goes no where :(

    So hopefully we can all keep eachother on our toes and stay motivated :smile:
  • heatheralamode
    heatheralamode Posts: 15 Member
    Haha yes! Although a bottle of wine sounds awesome
  • asthesoapturns
    asthesoapturns Posts: 313 Member
    I have PCOS as well. To be honest I used it a an excuse for a long time not to address my weight. I was not as big as other women with PCOS that I knew. I told myself so long as I was under 200lb I was okay. But over ten years after my diagnosis my weight had hit 210lb and I decided I was not happy with this. So I started walking everywhere I could, and eating better. I lost 15lb over 5mths. Nothing huge but I was happy to have made any progress. A colleague of mine who is on her own weight loss journey, and also has PCOS, told me to get the MFP app. Since I downloaded it in Feb and started seriously logging my food and getting more and more exercise, I've lost another 32lb.

    For me, logging my food, and getting a "visual" on my calorie intake and burn has been enormously helpful. I'm just over 15lb to my goal, then I'll see if I wouldn't benefit from losing more.