c-section mommas

Did your kangaroo pouch shrink when you lost weight? Did it shrink a lot or only a little bit? How much weight did you have to lose to notice a difference?


  • casandraeaddy
    casandraeaddy Posts: 37 Member
    I have had 2 c-sections (set of twins and 1 baby girl) and in December had a hysterectomy that resulted in yet again opening up like a c-section again so I guess you can say I have had 3. Although, I have yet to lose the weight I want yet I’m going to follow because I would love to hear that it will go away !
  • hablondi
    hablondi Posts: 127 Member
    When I lost 40 pounds, mine had shrunk until it was almost completely gone. I have had 4 c-sections. I have gained 10 pounds back and it has "puffed" back up again. I think that I will always have a little ridge there because of scar tissue, but I do believe it is possible to make it "almost" completely go away.
  • c_ray0191
    c_ray0191 Posts: 11 Member
    I’ve had 3 c-sections & the pouch is definitely one of my biggest insecurities so hearing that it can shrink is so hopeful!