Ellipticals anyone?



  • joakool
    joakool Posts: 434 Member
    We bought one last year (killer deal on Black Friday!) and I use it 2 to 3 times a day. I love it. I use it as a supplement to my regular workouts. I'm hoping for a good deal on Black Friday this year for a treadmill. :)
  • jocordes
    jocordes Posts: 6 Member
    I just want to chime in here about the calorie burn....the estimates on the elliptical are way over what you really burn. I started wearing my HRM while doing the elliptical and in reality I burn like half the cals that the machine tell me. So when I thought I was burning 400 cals I was really only burning 200-250 cals. Sucks, I know.
    Ive thought about how accurate any machine which tells you calories burned. Ive ordered a HRM and it should hopefully arrive tomorrow. Cant wait to test it out to compare calories.