Scale Obsession

I just started with MyFitnessPal a week ago, and now I feel like I can't stay off that damn scale. I know you're only supposed to weight yourself once a week, but I'm having a really hard time doing that.

Anybody else with this problem? How did you overcome the urge to weigh yourself?


  • I weigh myself each morning. If I don't it is very easy for me to lose track. I know the once a week rule is what is generally accepted, but go with what feels right. Another good way to see if you are staying on track is trying on the same pair of jeans, judging by how they fit you will know how you are doing.
  • i also weigh myself every morning... it helps me stay motivated.
  • Whatever works for you is all that matters. I'm pretty obsessive about the scale, and step on it a few times a day. I don't upset if it bumps up two pounds in a day because I know that there is no way I could have gained that much in a day, especially if I logged what I ate and was on track. I weigh myself before and after bowel movements - tmi? oops. I really only really pay attention to what I weigh during my weigh in days - Thursday.
  • I weigh myself each morning. If I don't it is very easy for me to lose track. I know the once a week rule is what is generally accepted, but go with what feels right. Another good way to see if you are staying on track is trying on the same pair of jeans, judging by how they fit you will know how you are doing.

    I do this, too. I also have a pair of my fattest-fat pants stashed in the back of my closet, so I can see my progress in a REAL way.
  • I weigh myself every morning too. It makes me feel better and I don't get upset either if I gained one or two pounds from the day before because with all the lady issues and water weight I go through I expect it. I say if it makes you feel better, do it.:bigsmile:
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I weigh myself every morning. For me, I've learned a lot by weighing everyday. I've learned how different foods affect me, how much water I really need to consume to maintain my weight, how exercise affects the scale, etc. I've learned a whole heck of a lot by weighing everyday. I've learned what my normal "range" is and let me tell you that learning this helps with the "OMG! I gained a pound!" freakouts. You learn what is normal for you and when you are within that "normal" you know everything is okay.

    I think a lot of people have a scale obsession and they focus way too much on what it says. If you don't think you can handle it - do it once a week.
  • peacefrog08109
    peacefrog08109 Posts: 44 Member
    I'm obsessive too, but I'm only logging my weight on the second Tuesday each month. I do my measurements every other Tuesday. My first officially weigh in is tomorrow.
  • Jaemoo34
    Jaemoo34 Posts: 15 Member
    Different methods work for different people. A lot of MFP friends have found that weighing everyday keeps them in line and helps them see where they stand. Once a week is generally advised just so you don't become so focused on the scale moving because as mentioned above ^ sometimes clothes or measurements are a better indicator of progress

    What i do because I always want to know if i'm having a 'good' week is my weigh in day is Tuesday morning. That way im not fresh out of the weekend but still early on in the week. and then I weigh in again on friday to see where i stand mid-way through the week. I only log my tuesday weigh ins though. Sometimes its hard if i feel i've had awesome workouts i want to run to the scale but after a week or so, i got in the habit of just sticking to my tuesday and friday mornings. i take measurements (when i remember) once a month. but jeans are definetly my favorite indicator ;)

    you'll find what works best for you. but don't let the scale being ur enemy or the end all be all of progress! lol :)
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I don't judge how I am doing by the scale. I would rather have my clothes fit better, or even be smaller, than worry about some number on the scale. I don't really even care what I weigh. I just keep track of how I am feeling, how I look in the mirror, and how my clothes are feeling. When I notice that my clothes are looser or that I have to wear a smaller size, then I will see what the scale says. Funny thing is, sometimes when we drop sizes, our weight doesn't change all that much. I am currently wearing a size 8, but honestly, the last time I was this particular weight I was in a size 14.

    In other words, just find something else to gauge your success with and go by that if you don't want to be scale obsessed. Take measurements once a week, try on new clothes or something. But don't think that the scale has to be the only way you judge whether or not you are doing something right with your weight loss journey.
  • I have been cheeking the scale every day for the past 2 weeks to make sure that I am keeping pace to where I want to be the biggest thing I have found is not to worry if it changes up/down a little bit between days. I do an official "weigh in" every Monday and that is the number I go with but it is completely normal to want to check often and if it helps keep you motivated than I say it's all good but like I said don't let it get you down half way through the week.

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • go ahead weigh yourself everyday but make a routine only record once a week the same time same day. You can record your daily weigh-in on another spreadsheet on your computer so you can see exactly what foods tips the scale and what foods doesn't.
  • inlander
    inlander Posts: 339 Member
    I just got to the point where I no longer want to be elated or let down by what my weight is in-between weigh-ins. The scale will say what the scale will say in a week, no matter how it fluctuates in the middle, so I focus on that and take any other weight with a grain of salt.
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    i was just like you,i really was,but hide your scales and only weigh one time a helps ALOT

    not like me now..i have hidden the scales and am not weighing at all as i have hit a plataux(last time i was on it for 4+ months) so if i dont weigh i can't get upset!! lol
  • goron59
    goron59 Posts: 890 Member
    I go through phases or caring and not caring... Right now, I don't think about the scales much, but I had to do a weigh-in for the start of an exercise program yesterday.

    When I do care, I weigh every day, mostly out of curiosity, but only record my weight on a specific day each week (usually Wednesday).

    In the past, I've even weighed each day and recorded a weekly average, but that's just being obsessive :)
  • I use to be like that. Weigh myself before I went to sleep and right when I wake up. Sucked so my mom hide the scale for about 2 days and I freaked. I know It is so hard just not knowing if you gained or lost. So one day me and the scale had it out and I broke it. Good thing for me bad for the scale lol. Will then I found out that my doctor will weight me every month free at his office what should I do buy a new scale and kill that one or go to the doctor and know that way. So it really does help weighing every month then I know if I gained it would be because I really didn't try for the whole month. I set goals nothing big but 4 pounds is a start and if I make it would be happy if I don't then I don't move on. Don't let the dum thing take over because you would just get more sad if things are not going the way you want.

    Good luck with the fight with the scale.
  • u04kmm5
    u04kmm5 Posts: 46 Member
    I just started with MyFitnessPal a week ago, and now I feel like I can't stay off that damn scale. I know you're only supposed to weight yourself once a week, but I'm having a really hard time doing that.

    Anybody else with this problem? How did you overcome the urge to weigh yourself?

    I have been on MFP for the last 3 weeks. In the first two weeks, I was weighing myself at work everyday. But through looking through the message boards and speaking to people on here I have come to BELIEVE that it honestly should only be done once a week (at first, I was like "pfffft! No Way! I am just not losing anything" and people were saying I shouldn't weigh everyday and I didn't believe them) but I held back weighing for a few days and weighed yesterday and I noticed a difference in my weight (it went down - wooop) that didn't annoy me due to daily/hourly fluctuations in my weight.
    Monday is now my new "weigh in" day!

    I think you will be fine after a week or so as you will, like me, realise there is no point weighing everday
  • I usually weigh every morning too, unless I feel like it's going to be a particularly bad day - like maybe I ate too much the night previous - and then I'll give it a day or two break.
  • Tiffani3089
    Tiffani3089 Posts: 44 Member
    I try to weigh myself EVERYDAY.. Kind of helps to keep me in check honestly. I can say ehh I have stayed the same or lost a few and its more motivation to push.. unfortunately when I gain its a huge blow.. but you win some days and you lose ..who knows it could be muscle
  • RickinNH
    RickinNH Posts: 73 Member
    Different strokes for different folks. I weigh myself multiple times each day - first thing in the morning and after a workout. If you are the kind of person that is going to get upset by seeing variations of as much as a couple of pounds of water weight, then don't do this. But if you think quantifying what is happening in your body and will not be thrown off by the variations you will see, then go ahead.

    There is no one plan or process that will work for everyone all the time (although the simple mathematics of consuming less calories than you burn comes pretty damn close).
  • Kate6868
    Kate6868 Posts: 159 Member
    I weight every Friday morning. I had a major scale obsession a few years ago and had to get rid of my scale. I used one in the nurse's office at work (I'm a teacher) so I wouldn't check every day.