Work, IVF, school, and injury... The weight kept on coming. Time for a change

Hi, I'm Jessica. I have struggled with my weight my whole life (who really hasn't). However, recently my weight has gotten out of control.
My weight has steadily gone up through out the years, but when my husband I started IVF five years ago my weight went crazy. I had gained 30lbs in 3 years. Dealing with medications and depression did not help with the situation.
After three failed attempts I took a break from IVF and went for my masters degree. For the next year and a half I was able to maintain my weight even though I had no time to with working full time, going to school, and dealing with depression (see IVF).
Then a year ago I tore my Achilles tendon while dancing at a wedding (I slipped on water). Thankfully, I didn't have to have surgery because it was a partial tear. Oh, did I tell you that this happened in Cuba. Yeah, that was fun, not.
Since the accident I have been afraid to get hurt again and have been even less active.
My breaking point was when I was trying on bathing suits and seeing my clothing getting smaller (no they did not shrink in the wash, I wish). I hate the way I look and how I feel unhealthy. I need a change and I need to stay on track. I'm hoping this will help me.
If you got through that and didn't run away screaming, thank you and it's nice to meet you.


  • _BeBrave
    _BeBrave Posts: 23 Member
    edited June 2020
    Hi Jessica.. I'm Leslie! Been on and off here for years and have had similar experiences as you with injuries, work/school madness and infertility etc... It does get better and you can/will do this! This process isn't linear by any means and struggles are real, but lean on good people for support and trust yourself and the process! Much love and we'll wishes on your journey 😘
  • jpraticante84
    jpraticante84 Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you Leslie, it's taken me a while to get here, but I'm starting and that's important. The tricky part is continuing this journey so that I can a healthier and happier. <3
  • Pool_Boy
    Pool_Boy Posts: 405 Member
    Thank you Leslie, it's taken me a while to get here, but I'm starting and that's important. The tricky part is continuing this journey so that I can a healthier and happier. <3

    You can do this! 😊
  • Xiaolongbao
    Xiaolongbao Posts: 854 Member
    Hi Jessica. Sorry to hear of your misadventures- at least you got to go to Cuba (trying to find a bright spot) I’ve always wanted to visit it.

    I too have struggled with weight my whole life. Successfully got down to a healthy weight range (although I was still on the chubby side - I was at the top of the range) using MFP and then bounced around in that vicinity for a few years. Then 3 miscarriages in just under 2 years and either the messed up hormones or feeling sorry for or probably a combination of the 2 and suddenly I find myself way too close to being back at my highest weight. And let’s be honest - you can throw some covid boredom baking in as part of what’s to blame too.

  • jpraticante84
    jpraticante84 Posts: 4 Member
    I really didn't get to see much of Cuba. I was there for 3days. My nephew got married there.

    I also has 3 losses with IVF. The feeling of defet and not understand why my body can't do what's it's suppose to do got me big time. That's why I decided to take a break and went back to school (which I completed in February).

    With COVID-19 I have gotten bored too and it has gotten me to my heaviest. Time for a change and I want to be healthier so that I can try one more round of IVF.

    Let's see how I do.
  • jpraticante84
    jpraticante84 Posts: 4 Member
    Pool_Boy wrote: »
    Thank you Leslie, it's taken me a while to get here, but I'm starting and that's important. The tricky part is continuing this journey so that I can a healthier and happier. <3

    You can do this! 😊

    Thank you
  • hilariouslbc
    hilariouslbc Posts: 61 Member
    Hi Jessica (and everyone else),
    I’m living a similar experience and dealing with similar feelings. I’m 35 and 5’2. I’m finishing up my doctorate while working as a teacher and am in the middle of IVF. We’ve done two retrievals and are slated for implantation at the beginning of July. I’ve struggled with my weight my whole life as well and have lost weight before with low carb eating and lots of exercise. I was just reviewing my historical records and saw that 13 years ago, right after the end of college, I weighed 106lbs. I remember feeling so good during that time. Fast forward to December 2019 and I had gained 60lbs. I signed up for boxing and was on MFP every day. I lost 10lbs slowly and with great effort. Then March hit and with it Covid gym closures and working from home. I was sick with some weird virus (not covid it turns out) for most of April then did a retrieval in May (so no exercise other than walking and wonky hunger drive due to all the hormones). I just weighed myself and I’m back up to 166. So frustrating! I’m kind of terrible at exercising from home but gyms seem extra dangerous, especially if the IVF works. I’m trying to figure out a game plan that works in the long term with being at home. I’d love to commiserate and exchange ideas and encouragement.

  • KateRunsColorado
    KateRunsColorado Posts: 407 Member
    Hi All - I'm kinda in the same boat as you all. I've definitely struggled with my weight ever since college. In 2011, I got on MFP for the first time and over a couple years lost up to 45 lbs at one point, although 30-35 lbs was more of what I could sustain. I ended up finding running and through that kept that 30-35 lbs off for years until I started TTC, and over the course of 4 years of no luck TTC, my emotional eating really got the better of me (especially in the last year) and now I'm back up about 15-20 lbs. I'm currently in the middle of my first round of IVF. We had our retrieval in June, but my transfer isn't until October. It was supposed to be in late August, but they found polyps in my uterus, so now I have to get surgery to have them removed - which is delaying my transfer to October. After so much waiting I was super bummed that it's been pushed to October, but I decided to use some of that frustration into something I can control - my weight. So my goal is to lose 10-15 lbs by October (and in the process get back into better eating habits so I'm more healthy going into my transfer).
  • eyouse
    eyouse Posts: 26 Member
    Hi all. I can relate and understand a lot of you! I have been TTC for two years and have gone through 9 months of hormones and 8 failed IUI cycles. Finally got a referral for a doctor in my state willing to try IVF so now we wait. Anyhow, I stopped working full time when we started trying to build a family and I went part time. Between being less active at work and the horrible hormonal medication side effects I’m up 30lbs since we started TTC. Glad to hear that someone else has been able to overcome this stuff!