We are all here for the same reason. We try and try NO MORE FAILURE we will forget that yesterday we ate the last slice of pizza or we ate the whole chocolate cake...we can get up and start again I came back to loose the fat for good if only One person joins me I will Thank GOD because ill motivate this person and suport them and make a diferense in someone's life god bless you guys and remember, DO NOT LET NOONE TELL YOU THAT YOU WILL NEVER DO IT OR THAT YOU ALWAYS SAY YOU LOOSE WEIGHT AND U DONT....FORGET THE PAST LET'S START NOW

start weight: 191.4


  • Soccer_chick916
    Soccer_chick916 Posts: 159 Member
    I'm in. Do you also want to set up an exercise challenge too? Or are we all doing our own thing but weighing in every Tuesday?
  • esmestarz
    We should definatly do challenges wish we had videos on this fitness pal so we could post our videos instead of piks um but challenge would be like what?? Loose 3 pounds this week ? What ABOUT WHO EVER LOOSES THE MOST WEIGHT GETS SOMETHING? FROM EVERYONE THAT JOINS ;) IT RODENT HAVE TO BE MONEY ATLEAST A POST CARD OR SOMETHING CUTE??
  • esmestarz
  • Soccer_chick916
    Soccer_chick916 Posts: 159 Member
    We could do that. I know a lot of people either pick a dvd to do like Jillian micheals video, or they change it up from day to day, Like monday - run a mile, tues - 30 min at least on the elliptical, wednesday yoga - and they choose like a you tube video for that... there are a lot out there...

    also I joined this group... ... check them out...
  • FireMama_24
    FireMama_24 Posts: 169 Member
    I am game for all of this. I won't be able to weigh in tomorrow but I can give you my weight that was today 263.9. I like the idea of challenges but there are set days that I do water aerobics, spin class etc. But I don't on other days. I think challenges like putting a new food into your diet. Trying to eat all fruit and veggies, or water etc.
  • Soccer_chick916
    Soccer_chick916 Posts: 159 Member
    I just hopped on the scale. 212 with 45% body fat, yikes! but that will come down. I am down 1 lbs from last week. MFP is really working for me!

    I was thinking for challenges. We could do daily 64 oz of water or more.. Since 64 oz should be what we drink anyways, anything over that is just a bonus.
    Drink one glass of water before each meal (really helps you to feel full)
    Also making sure your getting your full servings of fiber per day will keep you fuller longer.

    Now for the real challenges we could do something like this:
    Monday - power Cardio (at least 30 min of your favorite cardio)
    Tuesday- up to 200 crunches (what ever is comfortable) and your favorite exercise DVD/video
    Wednesday- run a mile
    Thursday - Do your favorite Aerobics for at least 15 min. 2 Min of burpees (as many as you can do), 4 sets of 12-20 Triceps Dips (what ever is comfortable)
    Friday - Power Cardio again, since Cardio burns the most fat at least 30 min, maybe try the elliptical?
    Saturday - Pilates power day - to shed inches off your core or your favorite exercise DVD.
    Sunday - rest day. Its is very important to give your body a rest day. I was thinking that if the rest day works better for your sched. on a different day just switch it out. I.e. rest is better on Wednesday for you, so run your mile Sunday.

    Let me know what you guys think!
  • esmestarz
    @ SOCCERCHICK Wow u are ORGANIZED THANKS I WILL DO JUST LIKE THAT AWSOME!!! I think u can be my julliansoccer trainer ahaha ok well my goal is to loose weight super fast before my bday I wanna be da one looking hot dat day but what I'm starting to do is walk in the mornings for 30 min and around 7pm run at the park I chooses 7pm because I won't eat at night if u guts have any advise? Secrets tricks pls let me know Thnks ;)
  • FireMama_24
    FireMama_24 Posts: 169 Member
    I love the ideas!!! Even if it is just us 3 that would be great becuase we would be able to keep each other in check ;-)
  • Soccer_chick916
    Soccer_chick916 Posts: 159 Member
    @ SOCCERCHICK Wow u are ORGANIZED THANKS I WILL DO JUST LIKE THAT AWSOME!!! I think u can be my julliansoccer trainer ahaha ok well my goal is to loose weight super fast before my bday I wanna be da one looking hot dat day but what I'm starting to do is walk in the mornings for 30 min and around 7pm run at the park I chooses 7pm because I won't eat at night if u guts have any advise? Secrets tricks pls let me know Thnks ;)

    lol thanks :-)
    Well That sounds like a good plan. I try listen to my body. I work in an office so my body rests for 8 hrs. I try and exercise with cardio that burns a lot of calories before work, then after work. Because my body is in rest for 8 hrs I can handle working out 1-2 times per day, but if I am in pain I take a break. Don't forget to take breaks!!! lol. Also I do as many calories as I can in as little time possible because I work full time and I go to school full time too, so some days I don't have the time to really exercise.

    But yea lets keep each other motivated. When is your birthday? I am trying to be around 150-160 by May, because it is my 23rd bday and my cousins quince. So I gotta be in shape.
  • Soccer_chick916
    Soccer_chick916 Posts: 159 Member
    I love the ideas!!! Even if it is just us 3 that would be great becuase we would be able to keep each other in check ;-)

    definitely lets help each other stay motivated!
  • FireMama_24
    FireMama_24 Posts: 169 Member
    @ SOCCERCHICK Wow u are ORGANIZED THANKS I WILL DO JUST LIKE THAT AWSOME!!! I think u can be my julliansoccer trainer ahaha ok well my goal is to loose weight super fast before my bday I wanna be da one looking hot dat day but what I'm starting to do is walk in the mornings for 30 min and around 7pm run at the park I chooses 7pm because I won't eat at night if u guts have any advise? Secrets tricks pls let me know Thnks ;)

    lol thanks :-)
    Well That sounds like a good plan. I try listen to my body. I work in an office so my body rests for 8 hrs. I try and exercise with cardio that burns a lot of calories before work, then after work. Because my body is in rest for 8 hrs I can handle working out 1-2 times per day, but if I am in pain I take a break. Don't forget to take breaks!!! lol. Also I do as many calories as I can in as little time possible because I work full time and I go to school full time too, so some days I don't have the time to really exercise.

    But yea lets keep each other motivated. When is your birthday? I am trying to be around 150-160 by May, because it is my 23rd bday and my cousins quince. So I gotta be in shape.

    I really want to lose 40 lbs before January and plus some if I can for fire testing!!