Netmummies support!



  • mojox2003
    mojox2003 Posts: 276 Member
    Hiya, I am a net mummy too, sooo a big HELLO to everyone :)

    Hey hun and welcome to the group, are you new to MFP or been here a while
  • mojox2003
    mojox2003 Posts: 276 Member
    Morning everyone well im not in a good mood today just thought I would do a quick mid week weigh in and it says iv put 4lb on, IM gutted,

    BUT im not letting it stop me its making me more determind to be extra extra good today
  • SJay271
    SJay271 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi all, thought i'd check in as ive not posted for a while, well its been a bad weekend for me, well in all honesty its been a bad 4/5 days, i've been really bad with food and ive been drinking full fat coke and not excercising, also ive not been logging properly (hangs head in shame) i've never fell off the wagon before so am feeling very guilty about it, ive not weighed so have no idea what damage ive done but as of today im back on track and i feel making this 'confession' will help in getting me back on track..

    I've been under a bit of stress the last week, my oldest son has Aspergers syndrome and has today started secondary school, he will be mainstream with no support so ive been worrying myself sick over it and i tend to overeat when im stressed and then stress about overeating then eat more as im stressing... aarrgghh lol talk about vicious circle lol

    Anyway my plan of action is to keep it ontrack with food today and get a 30 min workout in, I will do well today!!
  • chezzabelle82
    chezzabelle82 Posts: 302 Member
    Hiya, I am a net mummy too, sooo a big HELLO to everyone :):smile:

    Hey hun and welcome to the group, are you new to MFP or been here a while

    I started using mfp in June along side following rosemary conely plan to log my food and make sure I didn't go over my allowances it worked cos since June I have lost 16lb and my bmi is now just in the normal range :happy:
    mojox2003 is it near your tom as that can affect your weight.
    Stick to it ladies even if you have a naughty day try not to dwell on it just carry on being good the next day
  • mojox2003
    mojox2003 Posts: 276 Member
    Hiya, I am a net mummy too, sooo a big HELLO to everyone :):smile:

    Hey hun and welcome to the group, are you new to MFP or been here a while

    I started using mfp in June along side following rosemary conely plan to log my food and make sure I didn't go over my allowances it worked cos since June I have lost 16lb and my bmi is now just in the normal range :happy:
    mojox2003 is it near your tom as that can affect your weight.
    Stick to it ladies even if you have a naughty day try not to dwell on it just carry on being good the next day

    Hey no its not iv just finished so things should be back to normal I would have thought ahh well not going to let it mess things up for me, done 30 mins of exercise before and will do another 30 when I get the kids to bed I think.
  • mojox2003
    mojox2003 Posts: 276 Member
    How are we all today, its horrid weather here realy dont want to leave the house lol, but have to drop my son off booo.

    Going to be realy good today as tomorrow its my sons birthday and he wants dominos pizza for his tea party lol going to have a slice and then salad I think will try and be as good as I can.
  • 4tolose
    4tolose Posts: 65 Member

    Sorry I've been neglecting the support thread lately have just been feeling a bit down in the dumps. My back is still sore and I can't do much more than walking for exercise. The doctor has signed me off work so money will be least that means I cannot treat myself to naughty foods for a while!!!

    I hope everyone is well :happy:

    Mojox2003 Weather was awful with us umbrella got broken on my walk to work so I ended up being soaked to the skin and trying to dry myself under the hand driers at work.
    Good luck with the pizza tomorrow.
  • mojox2003
    mojox2003 Posts: 276 Member

    Sorry I've been neglecting the support thread lately have just been feeling a bit down in the dumps. My back is still sore and I can't do much more than walking for exercise. The doctor has signed me off work so money will be least that means I cannot treat myself to naughty foods for a while!!!

    I hope everyone is well :happy:

    Mojox2003 Weather was awful with us umbrella got broken on my walk to work so I ended up being soaked to the skin and trying to dry myself under the hand driers at work.
    Good luck with the pizza tomorrow.

    Dont worry about it hun you just get your self better xxx

    And know what you mean about money being tight its horrid isnt it, but like you said stops up from geting all the bad foods lol, and take outs.

    Ohhh no with the umbrella iv had to try and dry myself under hand dryers before
  • 4tolose
    4tolose Posts: 65 Member
    Well the physiotherapist I spoke to today thinks I have a slipped disc. All the pain has gone into my leg which is a sign of nerve damage :noway: I have been put as urgent on the waiting list for physiotherapy so it looks like this is an ongoing situation. I won't be hurrying back to work as the chair I use there is the cause of this pain. I'm not to sit for longer than half an hour at a time, I am to lay on my tummy in bed, I have to go for short walks and I'm not to sit on the sofa.

    Luckily I'm not too down about it yet but can feel my anxiety and depression coming back. I'm trying to fight that but might need some help on that. Please :flowerforyou:
  • mojox2003
    mojox2003 Posts: 276 Member
    Well the physiotherapist I spoke to today thinks I have a slipped disc. All the pain has gone into my leg which is a sign of nerve damage :noway: I have been put as urgent on the waiting list for physiotherapy so it looks like this is an ongoing situation. I won't be hurrying back to work as the chair I use there is the cause of this pain. I'm not to sit for longer than half an hour at a time, I am to lay on my tummy in bed, I have to go for short walks and I'm not to sit on the sofa.

    Luckily I'm not too down about it yet but can feel my anxiety and depression coming back. I'm trying to fight that but might need some help on that. Please :flowerforyou:

    You know what doll I think your doing amazing, with the pain your in its fantastic that your still up and about and trying to continue on this thing you are fab.

    As for the deprestion Iv had it so know what its like but just to try and think on the good side of things, I know its sooo easy for me to say thing but Its what I did and now im not on any meds any more and thats after 8 years as well.
  • mojox2003
    mojox2003 Posts: 276 Member
    Hope everyone is doing ok iv been realy bad the past couple of days been feeling a lil down about things, it was my sons 6th birthday yesterday and the first without his dad here so had to do it on my own, felt realy sad that we wernt doing it as a family anymore and that he was with his other woman and would be having a second birthday with him this weekend.

    Its only been 9 weeks and even though im a million miles away from what I was it still makes me sad that hes gone off with her and is now having this new life and shes seeing my babys at the weekend like a lil family.

    Anyways sorry about that lil vent hope you dont mind lol, im going to be good during the day tomorrow but im at a ladies night tomorrow night so cant wait for that there about a few of us girlys going so there will be lots of drink haha
  • 4tolose
    4tolose Posts: 65 Member
    Thanks mojox2003 I really appreciate your kind words. I hope you are feeling better after venting. You are doing amazing. I hope you enjoy your ladies night and have loads of fun.
  • mojox2003
    mojox2003 Posts: 276 Member
    How is everyone doing this we have all forgot this place a lil hey lol. well im doing ok was doing fab till I ate a dam cheese cake and went over my calories so going to try and make up for it today
  • 4tolose
    4tolose Posts: 65 Member
    Hi!! It's that TOM for me so I'm struggling today!!!!!!

    mmmmm cheesecake well worth going over your cals for lol

    Hope today is better for you.
  • mojox2003
    mojox2003 Posts: 276 Member
    Ohhh hate it when its TOM never makes it any easier does it lol

    And yes the cheesecake was well worth it hahaha
  • chezzabelle82
    chezzabelle82 Posts: 302 Member
    I am feeling down today :-( feel like I have lost all motivation and am starting to think sod it maybe I am suppose to be fat all my life, feel like everyone always looks better than me and I always look a mess :-(
  • 4tolose
    4tolose Posts: 65 Member
    chezzabelle please don't give up you have been doing so well up til now.

    I struggle with depression and have issues with my weight so I kinda know where you are coming from. I take each day as it comes and if it is bad then it's bad if it's good yay!!!

    Please come on here and chat to us. You are welcome to pm me if you'd prefer.
  • 4tolose
    4tolose Posts: 65 Member
    Ohhh hate it when its TOM never makes it any easier does it lol

    And yes the cheesecake was well worth it hahaha

    TOM makes it so hard to stay on fact I never do but hey ho!! mmmmm I need to get some cheesecake ...lemon or strawberry!
  • 4tolose
    4tolose Posts: 65 Member
    Come on ladies....where have you all gone????

    I hope you are all doing ok :happy:
  • chezzabelle82
    chezzabelle82 Posts: 302 Member
    I am feeling a bit better I too suffer with depression (post natal) and have been trying to come off my meds so that's why i was feeling pants am sorry for moaning about it though, have been quite good today although i did give into a pack of crisps earlier lol am hoping to shift a lb this wk am gonna try and stay positive :-) how's everyone else doing?