How to control food craving

endofadecade Posts: 8
Hi all, I am curretnly weigh 150 pounds and I want to drop to 135 pounds in the next 3 months. But I have this unstoppable food craving during dinner time and I hog ..any advice would be of great help.


  • melvac
    melvac Posts: 333 Member
    What helps me with unshakeable food craving is eatin something nutritious every 2 to 3 hours. This also keeps your metabolism up.
  • Beautifylgirl
    Beautifylgirl Posts: 55 Member
    Well my tip is water. Honestly when you feel hungry drink 16 oz of water ( not diet pop or juice) and wait 20 minutes. If you still feel hungry then find a high fiber or high protein snack and have 1 serving. I prefer celery sticks, peanut butter and raisins, it takes me back to child hood. Or if you'd like a small piece of toast with peanut butter. Normally when you think you're hungry you are really just thirsty.

    I am in the same boat around 150 trying to get to 120.
    Good luck and friend me if you need motivation.
  • editara13
    editara13 Posts: 384 Member
    Always when I had food cravings, water was and is the best medicine. Keep yourself busy and don't think about food all the time :-)

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  • bubbler100
    bubbler100 Posts: 3 Member
    The best way to stop the food craving is to eat the food and exercise afterwards i.e walking etc. This way you have enjoyed what you have eaten, gained more points and you feel better in the end.

    Tip, sometimes, people around us deter us from eating what we want and then we binge on the things that is not good for us... Beware of these people...

    Good luck in your goal:happy:
  • MaryIM
    MaryIM Posts: 159 Member
    Perhaps you're not eating enough high quality nutritious food during the day ... so you're starving at dinnertime.
  • Thanks guys...
  • LisaLove240786
    LisaLove240786 Posts: 22 Member
    I find its all a mind game... if your mind is thinking "ooh i'm on a diet i cant have that" then i find it makes you want that item of food even more!! I tend to try not to think about food and drink plenty of water then i enjoy my meal more when it comes to it. Other way is to have healthy snacks to hand, at least that way your taming yourself
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