Not lost in 2 weeks.

Frustrated at not losing weight, been 198 - 200 lbs for the last 2 weeks, urgh.. What can i do? Any suggestions? I've tried 1,200 calories and 1,500 calories a day. I'm not going to give up... but it is very frustrating :((


  • jridgway49
    bump..... same here it's been 3 weeks for me, but i'm not going to give up !!!....
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    Are you straight dieting, or does this include exercise? If its strictly dietary changes, you may have to pay close attention to your ratios in your dietary plan, or simply add exercise/more sleep/more water/less stress! There are many factors hon, if you have been working out as well, maybe you just need to vary your exercise. Have you been following the same routine too long? Try a new exercise, or exercising at a completely different time. Your body will adjust to changes, so to keep dropping the weight, you need to shock your system more!
  • Twins2007
    Twins2007 Posts: 236 Member
    I HEAR YA!!!

    I have only lost 5 pounds in the last 3 months....GRRRRRRRRRRRRR!
    I am trying to figure it all out too...
    A lot of members suggest not enough calories which makes no sense to me...It's not like I am eating only carrots and celery sticks...
    Good luck...And take it day by day, put AWAY the scale for another 2 weeks too...That ***** will make you crazy ;)

  • QueenofCups
    QueenofCups Posts: 365 Member
    Try giving yourself one day to go crazy and eat whatever. Then back to low calorie. See if that helps shock your body back into burning calories. Good luck!
  • I am in the same boat.. Had a few cheat days, but since i joined MFP 3-4weeks ago I have only lost 3-4 pounds.. And I went from ZERO exercise, to about 4 times a week. I was doing 1200 calories, and met that on most days but a few. I bumped down my sodium, and no changes still. I'm drinking tons of water, and eating significantly less carbs than I was... Nada... SOOO frustrating.

    I heard about people zig zagging their calories, so I'm trying that. Today is day 3, when I'm supposed to eat my maintenance calories... Scary... No wt loss yet but I'll let you know how I do with that. I've heard a lot of people who get stuck have success with zig zagging..
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    Are you straight dieting, or does this include exercise? If its strictly dietary changes, you may have to pay close attention to your ratios in your dietary plan, or simply add exercise/more sleep/more water/less stress! There are many factors hon, if you have been working out as well, maybe you just need to vary your exercise. Have you been following the same routine too long? Try a new exercise, or exercising at a completely different time. Your body will adjust to changes, so to keep dropping the weight, you need to shock your system more!

    Definitely agree with changing it up to confuse your body and break that plateau.
  • burndust
    i am in the same boat, iam supposed to consume 1480 cals, i manage 1400 at a push, i also burn about 1000 of these a day through excercise, so if i am supposed to eat excercise cals back how do i do this bearing in mind my meals/snacks for the day are in that intial 1400 cals, i could easily eat the cals back unhealthily, can anyone suggest anything
  • ThatGamesStudent
    Try giving yourself one day to go crazy and eat whatever. Then back to low calorie. See if that helps shock your body back into burning calories. Good luck!

    Would do this, too scared of gaining though.
  • Coltsman4ever
    Coltsman4ever Posts: 602 Member
    Make sure the calories you are eating are healthy calories. Fruits, vegetables and lean meats. Stay away from processed foods as much as possible. Drink plenty of water.
    Try to change your exercise routine up too. You have to continuously try to confuse your body because it will adapt to changes after a while.
  • pinkyminky
    Have you tried eating regularly (2hrly) or eating the foods that encourage your body to metabolise more. Green tea is supposed to be good. There are studies which prove green tea drinkers to burn 266 more calories per day than non green tea drinkers.

    Worth a try.

    How about doing circuit training? Shocking your body with vigorous exercise three times per week?
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Don't get discouraged. Are you staying within your goals? Are you eating fast or processed food? If at all possible try to eat fresh fruit and vegetables, lean non-processed meats and fish, low fat, low carb whole grains breads and low fat dairy. Keep your diet balanced and drink a lot of water. Watch the sodium in the foods you eat it could cause you to hold onto water if you don't drink a lot. :flowerforyou:
  • Yes! i don't burn nearly that amount with my exercise...usually around 300, and that's busting my *kitten*. Plus there is the every day stuff like walking extra in parking lots, chasing after/dancing with the kids, cleaning, laundry...I never add those in as I see some people do. The way I look at it is I was probably burning those same calories before, so I ponly add straight up workouts. Anyways when that 300 is added to my 1200 MFP has allotted me, it adds up! Are we really supposed to eat them back?? So confused on the exercise cals...
    PS... I have started wondering if the calories i get when i log in my exercises to MFP are actually correct for me... I mean a woman weighing 168 will surely burn more cals that a woman weighing 130... Am I right?
  • chriscleary
    yeah I got the same thing, for the whole summer and I just lost 5lbs!!! I am trying a different work out, walk three days a week and zumba once a week, I can feel it in my muscles and I lost another pound!! Try to change the routine a little. Keep up the good work!!! Remember you did not gain your weight over night or even in a month it takes time to lose it, so my husband keeps telling me!!
  • ThatGamesStudent
    Always stay within my goals, always.

    Always try to eat back all of my exercise goals.

    And i barely ever eat non-healthy foods.. once a week, maybe even every 2 weeks... But this is only if family buy it, try to avoid it as much as possible.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I bounced around the same 3 pounds for two months, I was in full blown plateau mode. I know it sounds counter-intuitive, but I am one of those who started eating more and then started losing again. I was eating 1200 when I plateaued. I then upped calories to 1400 with no change. I finally changed my MFP setting to lose 0.5 pounds/week (instead of the 1-2 pounds/week I previously set) which gave me 1700 calories, then BAM! The weight started dropping off again. Apparently I was in "starvation mode" though I was skeptical of the whole concept at the time. I am now a believer!

    You CAN NOT gain weight doing this, as setting MFP at 0.5 pound/week loss is still a deficit of 250 calories a day. It is impossible to gain weight if you aren't eating over your maintenance calories. Of course, this works for some people and not for others. Again, you can't gain weight by trying it and it may be just what your body needs to start losing again.
  • burndust
    this is what i am attempting, any suggestions for high cal healthy food, i am already eating fruit, veg and nuts
  • ThatGamesStudent
    Thanks everyone so far... May need to up my calories, any suggestions what to?