Anyone with a public diary?

So I am very unimaginative when it comes to meal prep. I like easy and quick but I am running out of ideas for things to eat. Does anyone have their diary set as public so I can take a look and maybe get inspired? Thanks! My diary is open for anyone interested in what I eat.


  • Xiaolongbao
    Xiaolongbao Posts: 854 Member
    My diary is open but I doubt you’ll find it inspirational. I recommend finding a few bloggers whose recipes you like and subscribing. I get emails, 95% of which I delete but every now and then something takes my fancy, I make it and if it’s good it goes into a folder of recipe successes.
  • LukesGreenMilk
    LukesGreenMilk Posts: 56 Member
    Yeah I do go for it! At least I think it is. I like to do meal prepping and lots of Southern or Caribbean or Lebanese foods.
  • RhodeRad
    RhodeRad Posts: 8 Member
    Mine is open, however I've only been at it for a month (but I've lost ten pounds).
  • squeakylynn
    squeakylynn Posts: 55 Member
    rehand1978 how do we check yours?
  • squeakylynn
    squeakylynn Posts: 55 Member
    How do we check an open diary? Do you have to friend the people who's daily open diary you want to check out??
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,282 Member
    How do we check an open diary? Do you have to friend the people who's daily open diary you want to check out??

    Click on someone's username. In the window that pops up: click on their username again. You'll be directed to their profile page, where you can check their diary (if they've made their diary public).