30 Day Shred

I just started the 30 day shred yesterday. Wish me luck. I really want to go the full 30 days to see results!!
Does anyone know how many calories are burned doing each level?



  • ecmcnamee
    ecmcnamee Posts: 317 Member
    I wear a HRM while doing it and I burn anywhere from 225 to 250 per level ... based on your weight, etc. could be more could be less ... good luck!! It works!
  • punkinrn
    punkinrn Posts: 32 Member
    i log mine under calisthenics. only real accurated way is a heart monitor i guess.
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 861 Member
    Circuit training is the closest to what my hrm says, Also if you interested a group of us started yesterday and this is the link if youd like to join us.

  • erxkeel
    erxkeel Posts: 553 Member
    Last night level one day 5 I did 431 cals in 30 min =)
  • Kelblue1
    Kelblue1 Posts: 139 Member
    Good Luck!! I'm on Day 5 level one today!!! I burn anywhere from 220-260 depending on the time of day i do it and how hard I work! But I have a heart rate monitor taht I live by. If you don't have one definately invest in one it's well worth it. I got a MIO at Academy for about $45 and it works great even compared to the more expensive ones. But POLAR is a great brand too! Keep at it. Day 3 & 4 have been the hardest for me but 5 wasn't so bad!!
  • catherinejbr
    Is it meant to be done every day? I did the first 2 days at level one on Sunday and last night. It was tough! What size weights does everyone use? I used 5 lb, but I had a lot of trouble with the move that is a side lunge with a raise. I was barely raising my arms at the end.

    I am about to finish C25K ( I completed Week 9, Day 2 yesterday) and after hearing so much good about 30DS decided to give it a try. I keep telling myself that it might get easier, but it is hard to convince myself. I just think that when I started C25K, I could barely run for a minute, and am now doing 30 minute runs. Hopefully I will be able to keep up with Jillian after a few weeks!