can someone give me a rough idea of how many calories i shou

just getting abit confused, if i burn 600 cals in a day and i have gave my total an extra 600 cals then do i need to eat 600 or just leave it? so confused to loosin weight, i need to though as im 245 pounds :/


  • you need to eat what you burn. other wise you will not have enough energy and you will be starving your body and that isn't helpful either. it will tell you when you add exersice that you've earned an extra so many calories. please eat them.
  • jbeauchamp1
    jbeauchamp1 Posts: 195 Member
    Did you add an extra 600 calories to what was already suggested by MFP? If so I would say you should not eat the exercise calories. I always go by what MFP suggest as far as calorie intake and then you can eat back the exercise calories. I would think you would be adding too many calories. Following the MFP plan has always worked for me.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Eating back your exercise calories is a hotly debated topic round here - prepare for vociferous pros and cons!

    My opinion: if you have a lot to lose, then it's not vital to eat back every last calorie. You WILL want to make sure that you fuel your body properly before and after your workout, but you dont need to eat all of those 600 cals that you burned.

    Remember your body isnt a machine, and while it does come down to calories in-calories out, it's a wee bit more complicated than that, and there's some trial and error involved.

    Good luck!
  • MellowYellowGem
    MellowYellowGem Posts: 120 Member
    If you fill in the exercise log on here, it will tell you how many calories you need to eat automatically on your food diary. Otherwise yes, if you are eating say 1200 without exercise, if exercised 600 worth of calories you'd add them to the 1200.
    Not everyone eats them all back, but most people find it does work to eat them back with the weight loss, so long as they are healthy choices. Good Luck! :smile:
  • Here is what I understand on how this all works. Say you are given 1200 calories to consume each day. This means that you must consume around 1200...nothing too over that number. Just because you burn so many calories doesn't mean that you are allowed to add on to the number of calories originally given. To be honest, as long as you eat healthier and keep exercising then you will do great.
  • tattereds
    tattereds Posts: 120 Member
    There are a few schools of thought on this one:
    1. Eat them all back
    2. Eat some of them back
    3. Eat none of them back
    Everyone has their own opinion (some held, touted and defended more strongly than others). Ultimately it's up to you and your own experience... If you are starting at a high weight you may be starving without eating cals back tho, depending on what you have set your default daily goal and personal info to. Just my two cents!

    Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • cantjustcant
    cantjustcant Posts: 1,027 Member
    I tend to eat most of what I burn HOWEVER...If I am not hungry I do not eat just for the sake of eating. A lot of times I exercise at night so I am not going to eat and then go to bed. You have to see what works for you! I started at 231.4 six weeks ago. Averaging about 3 a week loss....add me if you like
  • if you burn 600 calories a day...the diary says u have earned an extra 600 calories u can take in. BUT! if you burn 600 calories and u eat them back up you will just be maintaining the weight you have. that is my thinking. my suggestion is to keep your calorie intake at 1200 a day. watch your carbs and protein. protein is good but if you have high protein diet you need o get checked regualarly by you physician. if you want to go carbs and calories...its easy to track on your diary. you want to burn your calories and keep burning. to lose your weight dont take in more calories than you burn.:flowerforyou:
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    Remember your body isnt a machine, and while it does come down to calories in-calories out, it's a wee bit more complicated than that, and there's some trial and error involved.

    well said!

    take it day by day - if you are hungry and you have 600 extra calories banked, eat! weight loss won't stick if you are miserable the whole time - it's a process, and consistently being mindful of what you are eating over the course of time is the kind of thing that will make or break you, not going over your calories on occassion.

    best of luck to you!
  • Nutty as it sounds when I eat back most of the calories that I burn the weight comes off a little faster.
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    I tend to eat most of what I burn HOWEVER...If I am not hungry I do not eat just for the sake of eating. A lot of times I exercise at night so I am not going to eat and then go to bed. You have to see what works for you! I started at 231.4 six weeks ago. Averaging about 3 a week loss....add me if you like

    Or you eat more during the morning/afternoons, when you should be eating more anyways. Dinners should be as small as possible.

    I eat mine back, sometimes as much as an extra 1000-1400 calories a day. But I also eat a good breakfast/lunch on days I burn a lot