Friends for accountability

Hello everyone!!

I’m new here. I’m 29, and I’ve got to a place where I’m miserable about my weight. I have been slim for my entire life - I’ve never dieted and I don’t even know how. I kept on top of my weight with long distance trail running which is the great love in my life. However, an injury 18 months ago has shaken my foundations and I find myself 3 stone heavier (2 stone overweight). I’ve recently started running again, but the extra weight makes it feel so hard, and none of my clothes fit. It’s the worst feeling. So I’ve signed up to this, but I know I won’t stick with it without somebody keeping an eye on me. Would anybody like to buddy up?

Bee xx


  • annoobrien498
    annoobrien498 Posts: 5 Member
    Yes me please add me
  • mc62412
    mc62412 Posts: 195 Member
    We can all be buddies ! It helps to know the struggles I go though, that I’m not the only one. Lol