HCG... Has anyone tried this diet.

One of my friends recommended teh HCG diet. What do you guiys think about it?


  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    It's crap.
  • MarieKae45
    MarieKae45 Posts: 82 Member
    throw your energy behind eating healthy and moving your body, you'll be more successful in the long run.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    500 calories and you get to use a hormone out of a pregnant womans pee.. Yea, sounds like a real winner to me.

    P.S There is a search function.. I know theres a whole thread of HGC.. I highly suggest you look it up.
  • TheDeviation
    At an extremely low calorie intake, they could give you bat droppings and you'd lose weight.
  • janegeno
    janegeno Posts: 37 Member
    At an extremely low calorie intake, they could give you bat droppings and you'd lose weight.
    I predict The Guano Diet Primer would hit #1 on the New York Times Bestseller List.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    ... it must be Tuesday.
  • AlyRoseNYC
    AlyRoseNYC Posts: 1,075 Member
    I know nothing about the diet except that it restricts you to 500 calories. I would not be happy eating that little amount of food. I love to eat =)
  • tkacomet
    tkacomet Posts: 73 Member
    I won't lie - I tried it. giving solid proof that God is laughing - even on a 500 calorie diet I lost nothing. and I was a mean, ugly person. after three weeks I bumped back up to 1200, and immediately lost 2 pounds in a week. the silly expensive HCG made no difference at all. Now, this was with a supplement rather than the shots that a doctor oversees, so it may have been crap anyway. but the reality is: they promise that essentially your weight loss will be more efficient with the supplement, but you can do that yourself, healthier and less miserably, by eating right. keep your foods more nutritionally efficient. make sure you aren't "wasting" calories on crap. the weight will come off.

    also - their diet requires you drink a metric buttload of water. if you actually do that, you'll be so full of water and spending so much time running to pee, you'll lose anyway. you don't need expensive supplements.
  • almeria1
    almeria1 Posts: 25 Member
    A friend of mine lost 42 pounds in one month. I'm desperate to loose weight, and I go to the gym everyday, and watch my calories. This diet seems to promise great results.... I'm hesitant to try it because I would have to restrcit my workouts and eat too little.

    I think I have to get my thyroid checked because nothing seems to work for me!

    I won't lie - I tried it. giving solid proof that God is laughing - even on a 500 calorie diet I lost nothing. and I was a mean, ugly person. after three weeks I bumped back up to 1200, and immediately lost 2 pounds in a week. the silly expensive HCG made no difference at all. Now, this was with a supplement rather than the shots that a doctor oversees, so it may have been crap anyway. but the reality is: they promise that essentially your weight loss will be more efficient with the supplement, but you can do that yourself, healthier and less miserably, by eating right. keep your foods more nutritionally efficient. make sure you aren't "wasting" calories on crap. the weight will come off.

    also - their diet requires you drink a metric buttload of water. if you actually do that, you'll be so full of water and spending so much time running to pee, you'll lose anyway. you don't need expensive supplements.
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    You wanna lose weight? Do it the right way. Eat healthy and exercise. Sure, it'll take time but being impatient will only make you fail. Don't resort to pumping yourself with chemicals or hormones, or starving yourself to lose pounds.
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    if you enjoy throwing money into a toilet, getting injected with pregnant lady pee and not getting to eat, I'm sure you'll enjoy the Hungry Crazy Girl diet. Otherwise, not so much.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Are you being totally honest with yourself about what you're eating and how much you're working out? Are you eating wholesome, fresh and natural foods? Do you drink water every day? There are so many things that can affect weight loss, and jumping to "miracles" that have been proven as dangerous, or rushing to your doctor to check your thyroid are going to waste your time unless you can truly say, "I eat right and exercise plenty." I used to lie to myself all the time about how healthy I was actually being. Once I got for reals with myself, the weight started falling off.
  • Mudprints
    The problem is if you get your body used to taking in 500 calories a day and then try to increase it to 1200+ calories per day without exercise. You will gain weight rapidly as your body starts to crave more and more food without the suppressant.
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    It's crap.

    LOL, actually it's piss! Pregnant lady pee! Yum!
  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    I read through the HCG diet thread once - not because I'm interested in using it, but I truly did want to know what is wrong with the people that think this is their only option. Anyway, I had to stop reading it when one of the women was suggesting to a newbie some vitamin to take that helps with hair loss...um...really???? You're ingesting something and starving yourself to the point of your hair falling out? FAIL!!!!!
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    A friend of mine lost 42 pounds in one month. I'm desperate to loose weight, and I go to the gym everyday, and watch my calories. This diet seems to promise great results.... I'm hesitant to try it because I would have to restrcit my workouts and eat too little.

    I think I have to get my thyroid checked because nothing seems to work for me!

    I won't lie - I tried it. giving solid proof that God is laughing - even on a 500 calorie diet I lost nothing. and I was a mean, ugly person. after three weeks I bumped back up to 1200, and immediately lost 2 pounds in a week. the silly expensive HCG made no difference at all. Now, this was with a supplement rather than the shots that a doctor oversees, so it may have been crap anyway. but the reality is: they promise that essentially your weight loss will be more efficient with the supplement, but you can do that yourself, healthier and less miserably, by eating right. keep your foods more nutritionally efficient. make sure you aren't "wasting" calories on crap. the weight will come off.

    also - their diet requires you drink a metric buttload of water. if you actually do that, you'll be so full of water and spending so much time running to pee, you'll lose anyway. you don't need expensive supplements.

    How long have you been trying to lose weight?

    This is not something that happens overnight.. I hate to tell you.

    If you're that desperate to lose weight, then you need to go talk to a doctor.. because I can tell you right now, you may lose all that weight but then the moment you go back to normal, it's all going to come flooding back and then some.

    There is no replacement for a healthy diet and exercise.. period.
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    500 calories without HCG would be considered a disordered eating plan. HCG has been scientifically proven time and again that it does not work.

    Think about it... anything that promotes disordered eating and prohibits you from exercising CANNOT be healthy. Period.

    You may be desperate to lose a lot of weight quickly... but as fast as it comes off, it goes right back on - and then some.
  • tkacomet
    tkacomet Posts: 73 Member
    Are you being totally honest with yourself about what you're eating and how much you're working out? Are you eating wholesome, fresh and natural foods? Do you drink water every day? There are so many things that can affect weight loss, and jumping to "miracles" that have been proven as dangerous, or rushing to your doctor to check your thyroid are going to waste your time unless you can truly say, "I eat right and exercise plenty." I used to lie to myself all the time about how healthy I was actually being. Once I got for reals with myself, the weight started falling off.

    I have discovered through long and painful trial and error that no matter how many people tell you it's "calories in vs. calories out" that's just not true. I can eat the same number of calories, but if it's full of empty calories: sugar, refined grains, alcohol; I won't lose. if those same calories are high in protein, healthy fats, and tons of freshies, I lose. People can analyze the hell out of that all they want; I don't care WHY it works this way, it just does.

    This is HARD - I'm a single mom working two jobs that both conflict with things like normal eating and working out times. I slack off. I eat out, I get tired and cram junk food in my face. I'm not speaking from on high, here. I'm just sharing my personal observations. if I can stick to healthy, nutrient rich foods, I lose. if I waste my calories on crap, I don't.

    instead of throwing your money away on "quick fixes" instead invest your time. learn about nutrients, about what foods are the best bang for your caloric buck. then get to know quick-fix recipes you can do with those foods that take very little time and effort and thought. it takes some work but it's doable.

    I chose to give myself one small challenge a week - first, I dropped all alcohol. (i'm a bartender and actor - that's a hard one!) then all breads, then all grains together. meanwhile, I made sure to add things that would make up for any nutrient deficiencies. it has been GREAT.

    my next step is going to be sugars. (oh help! that one's going to be a pain in the butt!)

    good luck. if you're worth investing the money for, you're worth investing the effort and time for. and you'll be so much happier.
  • ohwhataday
    ohwhataday Posts: 1,398 Member
    I highly recommend this diet!
  • starracer23
    starracer23 Posts: 1,011 Member
    Again with this....there are already too many threads on this site about this sheeeeeeeeeeeeet!

    Do some research, NOT ON MFP!!

    If you want to lose weight it takes work! Not some expensive, "magic" and unhealthy way. You have to eat right (the amount and the proper foods to fuel your body) and you have to exercise.

    You will not lose 56 lbs in a week...it's not healthy to do. You didn't gain the weight over night, you will NOT lose it that way.