meharmahshahid Posts: 107 Member
edited July 2020 in Motivation and Support
What are some things/quotes/actions etc that keep you going forward during your weight loss journey, and help you keep a healthy mindset?


  • colieblossom
    colieblossom Posts: 84 Member
    I want to be a skinnygirl.
    I am starting to feel healthier.
    I like feeling healthier.
    I love low calorie veggies.
    I love walking.

  • suzij27
    suzij27 Posts: 199 Member
    Slow and steady wins the race.
    It’s okay to stumble. Pick yourself up and keep moving forward.
    You can do this!
  • the22ndwheel
    the22ndwheel Posts: 5 Member
    Knowing how sexy and strong I will feel In the end of all the hard work and dedication!!!!!
    Eating fruits/veggies with every meal gives me energy
    Exercising and yoga is extremely stress relieving and I always feel better after
    Telling myself I love you/you’re amazing/you’re beautiful/ talking with myself like i am my best friend
    Doing what I love drawing/reading/writing/dancing/singing
    Knowing that doing what makes me feel good makes me feel good.
    Knowing that thinking about what makes me feel good makes me feel good

    If I don’t do these things I will continue to feel miserable.

    Peace & blessings! 💫
  • christys03
    christys03 Posts: 22,785 Member
    What keeps me on track is finding postive in everything...getting up @ 0330am...I am awake before I hit the shower. my workout is done, and my day is mine. it is quiet, and I am taking time for myself.
    I remember what it felt like to be hot, uncomfortable, and tired ALL the time...I will never be that person again. So, daily I do what is right for my I fail some days? is a journey that neverends...and I am a human being. But getting up the next day, and starting again is what matters.
    Good luck on you journey.
  • Lynatea
    Lynatea Posts: 311 Member
    I finally realized my 'why'.
  • lapierrecyclist
    lapierrecyclist Posts: 153 Member
    I tell myself that the more I do (fitness-wise), the more I can do (in the future). I want to be able to hike and bike with my husband for a long time.
  • Geneveremfp
    Geneveremfp Posts: 504 Member
    Incremental progress is the path to happiness so I try to always have a mini goal going on.

    I also think of the health benefits. I imagine myself in my 60s climbing a mountain or going for a long hike. My in laws are overweight and unhealthy and they can't walk for 30 minutes let alone long hikes like I enjoy.
  • becca_rup23
    becca_rup23 Posts: 396 Member
    Struggling with this as well, I've lost quite a bit of weight in the past but its been creeping back up the last year. Just trying to get back in the headspace - trying to stay out of the spiral mode. Recognizing little/non scale related victories is helpful for me.