Can’t search all foods?

Hi I am new to my fitness pal but a little confused. I seem to be able to scan barcodes but I cannot search for a simple egg or tomato? What am I doing wrong? I have checked my cellular data is on, I am searching under “all foods” but just get a message saying they can’t find the item. Please help!


  • JanoSiva
    JanoSiva Posts: 1 Member
    experiencing exactly the same issue here
  • carlosanne33
    carlosanne33 Posts: 1 Member
    The last time this happened it was a known issue that MFP had to fix. Mine is doing the same and it has worked every other day.
  • baxterjulia
    baxterjulia Posts: 1 Member
    Yes, just wanted to add new foods for lunch, barcode ok but search function for “all” failed. Must be an app problem as it works ok on the laptop.
  • kanemark4279
    kanemark4279 Posts: 2 Member
    I have same problem today MFP need to fix it at their end
  • sarahjshack
    sarahjshack Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks everyone. Maybe I will pop them a message then
  • ellamoony1
    ellamoony1 Posts: 1 Member
    I am having the same issue, can’t search for anything for about 10 hours now :neutral: any idea how long it takes till MFP fixes this issue?
  • Jade2183
    Jade2183 Posts: 13 Member
    same here