Searching for foods

carajwatts Posts: 2 Member
Hi everyone:-)
I winder if someone can please help? All of a sudden my app has started searching for food that I have already searched or logged and won’t search the entire database?
For example, if I go into breakfast, add food, all, type in avocado, it then says ‘can’t find what you are looking for’ - has been working fine last few days, wondering what I am doing wrong or have I hit something by accident?
Any help would be appreciated, this is driving me nuts!!!


  • jojhanna
    jojhanna Posts: 1 Member
    Snap, Im having the same issue so also looking for a solution.
  • carajwatts
    carajwatts Posts: 2 Member
    I have read that there have been a few issues after maintenance a few weeks ago and I think this is one, I think intermittent.
    Thanks for letting me know you have the same issue, thought I was going mad!
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,564 Member
    Same here. I was looking for pineapple today and found nothing. Pineapples resulted in a couple of tinned pineapple products. It does work from a browser though.
  • mikeyk1988
    mikeyk1988 Posts: 1 Member
    Exactly the same here, I can find foods that I've already added but can't search for new items. Anybody know how to fix it as I've uninstalled the app and also cleared cache and data but still nothing
  • kperk91
    kperk91 Posts: 226 Member
    edited July 2020
    Something with the app. I've been trying to add my breakfast since 7:45am.

    I was able to add from website (not app) but now I'm waiting for app to sync to reflect the addition from website.
  • Jade2183
    Jade2183 Posts: 13 Member
    Same here 2 hours ago ... is it a glitch?