HCG... Has anyone tried this diet.



  • Adynata
    Adynata Posts: 128 Member
    A friend of mine lost 42 pounds in one month. I'm desperate to loose weight, and I go to the gym everyday, and watch my calories. This diet seems to promise great results.... I'm hesitant to try it because I would have to restrcit my workouts and eat too little.

    I think I have to get my thyroid checked because nothing seems to work for me!

    42lbs in a month? What the hell?! That cannot be right. Nothing about that sounds healthy, unless the person was very overweight to begin with.
  • chantihayes
    I am on HCG right now. You can message me if you want.
    It is NOT "pregnant lady pee" as a couple have said. It is the hormone produced in high amounts in a pregnant woman... But anyone who has been pregnant knows that your HCG levels may be tested via BLOOD test. It is NOT exclusive to urine.
    I do not take the drops, as they do not contain HCG. If you can get it without a prescription it is not HCG. HCG is approved by the FDA for fertility only, not weight loss. You have to be careful while on it (I'm fixed!). I go to a medical doctor for mine,through a weight loss program. I would never try to do this on my own as many in the HCG thread do. At my appointments I have my blood pressure checked, am weighed, and discuss any concerns. I also go over my week's diet / food intake and if I am lacking something the nurse makes sure I am made aware (has not happened yet though). The program is 800 calories , or 875 if you consume whole grains - which I do. I usually stay around 875 but sometimes go up to 900. Appettite supressants are given only in the first 2 weeks - after that they do no good anyway. I only take 1/2 of what they give anyway, because to be honest I am not that hungry. I think it is because I eat so balanced throughout the day - breakfast, am snack, lunch, dinner and pm snack.
    Exercise IS allowed, and encouraged by my doctor. She wants me to do at least 30 min. a day of moderate cardio, and emphasizes strength training as well.
    towards the end of the program, the nutritionist meets with me (and she is avail. anytime I need her mon-fri 7a-7p) to coem up with a plan to introduce more calories, keeping fat intake low.

    I have tried this diet without hcg injections for the 2 weeks prior to my first appointment. I lost nothing, and i think I gained about 1 lb.
    I am beginning my second week and am down 4 pounds - and the first week is the shortest because it takes the hcg 72hrs to get in your system, so technically that is in 4 days.

    I am hypothyroid and felt like nothing would help me, and nothing WAS helping me... So i think it is up to you to make the decision that is best for you , but make sure you are fully informed.. feel free to check out www.transformationsweightloss.com - medically supervised.

    Oh, and about hair falling out... well, that is with any calorie restrictive diet .. which is why it is SO important to take vitamins daily.

    Ps - I was told that realistically about 15-20 lbs per month can be lost, which is not that unhealthy for those who are very overweight to begin with.. remember, the heavier you are, the quicker you lose in the beginning... and if you have less than like 10 or 15lbs to lose or something liek that, you're not allowed to go on the diet, although i've seen some on here do it for like 10lbs. I am doing 4 weeks for now to see where I end up. If it works well, I will do another 4 weeks and begin maintenance for 3 weeks. Then I will work on the last 10 or 15 pounds on my own .
  • Panda_Jack
    Panda_Jack Posts: 829 Member
    I quite enjoy drinking preggo pee. In fact I had an 8 oz glass this morning with my breakfast of 1/8 slice of toast that I waved near some peanut butter to pick up the protein through osmosis.

    Later on for lunch I'll be looking at some chicken and sniffing some veggies.

    And for dinner I plan on walking by a salad.
  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    I quite enjoy drinking preggo pee. In fact I had an 8 oz glass this morning with my breakfast of 1/8 slice of toast that I waved near some peanut butter to pick up the protein through osmosis.

    Later on for lunch I'll be looking at some chicken and sniffing some veggies.

    And for dinner I plan on walking by a salad.

    Seriously laughing out loud right now! I can't WAIT to sniff my lunch in a few hours. Do you think I'll have enough energy from the fumes to exercise for an hour today?
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    Rather not drink p...
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    One of my friends recommended teh HCG diet. What do you guiys think about it?
    Your friend is uninformed. Do your own research on peer reviewed clinical studies on it.
  • iTim__
    iTim__ Posts: 6,823 Member
    I did it back in January and tracked results. I lost 28 lbs in 30 days.

    The down side is, I started gaining the weight back rapidly for the next couple of weeks to the point where it wouldn't have made a difference if I had done HCG or just the regular MFP calorie recommendations for 2 lbs a week.

    I recommend doing it the MFP recommended way since the results were ultimately the same, but with MFP, you don't have to suffer on an extremely low-calorie diet or take hormones.

    Slow and steady wins the race.
  • mrivera713
    mrivera713 Posts: 232 Member
    My brother and his wife tried it. They lost weight and probably some friends too. GRUMPY GRUMPY GRUMPY!!! lol... Just kidding... I don't know if they are still doing it, but my brother told me that he is quite a bit grumpier than usual... And he is a funny guy...

    I suggest take the path less travelled. Exercise and healthy eating lifestyle.
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    It's crap.

    More like piss, but close enough.

    I know people who did it, gained the weight back as soon as they started eating more than 500 cals. shocking.
  • pixlamarque
    pixlamarque Posts: 312 Member
    Contrary to what Chantihayes states, hCG is produced from the urine of pregnant human females. Perhaps doing some research would clear this up, but I would also assume that anyone who bothered to do research would have nothing to do with this "diet". You should also read the following prescription disclaimer:

    "Users may report incidences of headaches, blood clots, restlessness, leg cramps, constipation, temporary hair thinning, depression and male breast enlargement".

    HCG can also cause a potentially life-threatening condition called ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS), in which ovaries over-stimulated by hormones can swell and leak fluid into the abdomen. This can cause abdominal pain and weight gain but can lead to blood clots, kidney failure, fluid build-up in the abdomen or chest, and electrolyte imbalances. The FDA has also had at least one report of a hCG dieter who suffered a pulmonary embolism (potentially fatal blood clot in the lung). Also, you may have some pregnancy symptoms such as swelling, breast tenderness, and water retention.

    It's crazy, but there are no reports of life-threatening side-effects from following a healthy diet.
  • chridow
    chridow Posts: 178
    I quite enjoy drinking preggo pee. In fact I had an 8 oz glass this morning with my breakfast of 1/8 slice of toast that I waved near some peanut butter to pick up the protein through osmosis.

    Later on for lunch I'll be looking at some chicken and sniffing some veggies.

    And for dinner I plan on walking by a salad.

    ^THIS!!! you ate 1/8 of a slice of toast? somebody was bein a lil piggy this morning huh? ANNNNNND you waved it over some peanut butter? not sure how you plan to lose ANYTHING with such indulgent eating habits!!

    but seriously, you'd probably be better off spending the money on hcg drs visits on a personal trainer. you didn't gain the weight overnight and it won't leave overnight. such a severe calorie restrictive diet is not realistic and you can't convince me that its healthy. in the end the only way you can truly win this weightloss battle is to learn how to eat healthfully and be active.

    be encouraged!
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    I have never heard of this diet. :indifferent:
  • LeahLexis
    LeahLexis Posts: 11 Member
    I've tried it. I did the injections.

    I lost 23 pounds in 25 days.

    I felt terrible. No energy. Always tired.
    I lost a lot of hair and my skin and lips were soooo dry.
    My T.O.M. was miserable and very painful.
    The weight came off in weird spots. My backside was smaller but no change to my stomach. Weird.
    I felt nauseous a lot of the time.

    I finally had to quit on the 25th day after I passed out twice.
    I gained 12 pounds the very next week and put the rest back on the week after that.

    I DO NOT recommend :(
  • minuu
    minuu Posts: 11
    You only lose weight on this diet because of the severe calorie restriction, that is it. the supplement that comes with it doesn't do anything really.HCG diet is basically a VLCD. you'll only gain back the weight you lost after you get off of it, if you continue to eat the way you did before( unhealthy food choices/ huge portions. if you increase your calorie intake slowly (and healthily) after the diet, you won't gain all your weight back, only a little.
  • CindiBryce
    I highly recommend this diet!
    I do NOT recommend this diet.
    Unless you want to starve yourself, damage your metabolism, and gain all the weight back.
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    drink some drain cleaner instead.
  • brewingaz
    brewingaz Posts: 1,136 Member
    I bet you can find a pregnant lady who will just pee in your water bottle for you. Saves money. Oh, and starve yourself too. In addition, make sure you integrate the shake weight into your regular workout routine. Please. And take pics of it.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    I bet you can find a pregnant lady who will just pee in your water bottle for you. Saves money. Oh, and starve yourself too. In addition, make sure you integrate the shake weight into your regular workout routine. Please. And take pics of it.

    Pics of the shake weight work out or pics of the pregnant lady peeing in a bottle?
  • brewingaz
    brewingaz Posts: 1,136 Member
    I bet you can find a pregnant lady who will just pee in your water bottle for you. Saves money. Oh, and starve yourself too. In addition, make sure you integrate the shake weight into your regular workout routine. Please. And take pics of it.

    Pics of the shake weight work out or pics of the pregnant lady peeing in a bottle?
    Preferably both.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    I bet you can find a pregnant lady who will just pee in your water bottle for you. Saves money. Oh, and starve yourself too. In addition, make sure you integrate the shake weight into your regular workout routine. Please. And take pics of it.

    Pics of the shake weight work out or pics of the pregnant lady peeing in a bottle?
    Preferably both.

    Simultaneously FTW.