Ready to shed the baby weight!

Hello everyone! Wanted to stop by and share my goals! I am a mother to a busy 16 month old and a RN. I work full time and I know that my health has suffered because of it! Today I am done using the excuse of "I dont have time" I will make the time to excercise since I belong to a fabulous gym (tat has day care) a mile from my house!
Any other busy moms out there would like to share fitness recipes/tips that would be awesome! Good luck all!


  • rockieschick
    rockieschick Posts: 321 Member
    I cant even explain how hard it was at first, but If I can do it, you can too! haha My last year had both ups and downs but in the end I lost a total of 63lbs since August last year!
    I dont think it matters what you do, whether it is running, beachbody videos, weight training....just do it!
    This site is the best thing that ever happened to me! Hope you keep at it! Goodluck!
  • lynheff
    lynheff Posts: 393 Member
    Retired RN and mother of 4 so I totally understand. I think It is so hard for all of us to find the time, energy and motivation to do what we need to do. Hooray for you for being determined!!! Good luck.
  • nmerley
    nmerley Posts: 98 Member
    welcome, I hear ya on the excuses. My kids r 18, 14, and 3 and that has always been my excuse. I am still strugglin with takin time for myself but its gettin better. Good luck and feel free to add me as a friend.
  • lynheff
    lynheff Posts: 393 Member
    Hooray for you!!! You are an inspiration!! And your advice was exactly what we all need to hear. Good luck.
  • shoniej
    shoniej Posts: 227 Member
    New mom to a 3 month old! Full time work (45+ hours most weeks) and part time college classes.. I've been off track for a couple of weeks but have decided to make no excuses for myself!! Good luck to you!!
  • alyaouellet
    alyaouellet Posts: 21 Member
    I'm doing the same thing right now! This site is great! You will enjoy it, I am sure.
    Feel free to add me as a friend if you want! :-)
    Best of luck!
  • minussam
    minussam Posts: 127 Member
    moom of one as well, working fulltime and struggling to find time. But every little bit counts. One step at a time and it will add up. Good luck! I'll send you a friend request.
  • vikiwhite
    vikiwhite Posts: 14 Member
    I have a VERY active 19 month old and work 40+ hours a week. I also made the I dont have time excuse, but not anymore! Good Luck to you!:smile:
  • jbiancad
    jbiancad Posts: 66 Member
    Yay for nurses! Im currently in school for nursing. I also work full time. I just got back to prepregnancy weight (my daughter is 16 months ) but what helps me is I do short workout videos like Leslie Sansone walk at home which is only 20 minutes. I find it easier because I breakup the viedoes throughout the day so I don't get bored and I don't feel like im opening a lot of time working out (when I could be studying lol) but realistically I open at least 40 minutes a day working out.
    good luck!
  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Hi! Also a mom of a 10 yr old 3 yr old and 8 month old-I work full time 3rd shift as an RN -I workout almost every day-even if I get a day of crappy sleep. Currently doing p90x so I get 1 day of rest. Welcome to mfp-feel free to add me as friend!
  • Hi there! I totally understand what you're saying! I had 2 babies v close together, and lost over 30 lbs during my second maternity leave, but found it difficult keeping it off as I had to work several jobs just to make ends meet. No time for exercising and focusing on me and my diet, just keeping everything going....Then had a surprise no.3 and I have had to start all over again! But this time I am 5 years older. I have been exercising well since about January, but am now doing 4 days a week at work, and finding the urge to eat crap and sit on my butt every eve REALLY hard! But this is important for our kids - so we MUST do it! So here's to lots of motivation and a whole heap of willpower...and realising that we are only human so we can only do so much each day :-)

    GOOD LUCK! add me as a friend if you want :-)
  • manit1117
    manit1117 Posts: 54 Member
    Full time working mother of 2 boys (2.9yrs & 18months). I never made time for myself. I was always down on myself because of my extra weight. I saw pictures of myself from a friends party and I almost died. I knew right then and there that "I" had to do something and no one else could do it for me. I told myself that I would put a workout DVD in 5-6nights a week and do at least 10mins of it. If I made it to 10mins then I'd push myself 10mins more and so on until it was complete. If after 10mins I still did not want to do it then I would shut the DVD off and try again the next night. There were very few nights that I gave up. Once I made it to 10mins I felt so good that I pushed until the end. Afer months of working out I no longer need to use the 10min rule. I just do it and feel great after. I do it once the boys go to sleep...sometimes I do it while my 2yrs old is still awake and he'll workout with me. Do it for yourself! Try the 10min rule and let me know how you make out. Don't ever say not tonight...just try 10mins and see where is gets you.

    I feel great although I still have about 5-10lbs to lose but I'm alot more toned. Eating is another challenge but I'll get there.
  • MercKlebba
    MercKlebba Posts: 55 Member
    Welcome! I've also got a youngin' and am tired of using the excuse of, "I don't have time." Currently a full time nursing student and single mom, I've found time to work out so now I have to! Friend me if you'd like. :)
  • Good for you for coming to MFP. That will help. I work full time, have 4 kids, 2 dogs and a husband (gotta add him, he takes more energy than most of the kids). I found that once I got started on working out and eating clean and stayed consistent for 2-3 months, I lost almost all of my baby weight. I am at my pre-Thomas (my 4th baby)' weight. 10 more to my pre-pre-pre-pre-pregnancy weight. Figured the last 10 would take more time and energy. Slowly working on it.

    Good luck!!!
  • EdensMummy
    EdensMummy Posts: 106 Member
    I'm mummy to an energetic 15 month old - I am back to my pre-pregnancy weight but that was fat anyway, so now I'm determined to lose some proper weight before even thinking about baby number 2...

    I work part time and have lots of family to help out, yet it's still so easy to make excuses...but it's vital that we do this to set the best example to our kids and to make sure we're able to run around with them all day long!!
